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12 mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow citrine Mala and Bracelet set

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12 mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow citrine Mala and Bracelet Set

INR 18,425

Dimension of Mala:
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: 15 mm (4 beads)
Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (70 beads)
Yellow Citrine Pendent: 24 mm (L) x 24 mm (W) 
Length of Mala: approx. 30 inches
Silver Weight: approx. 9.5 gms

Dimension of Bracelet:
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: 15 mm (2 beads)
Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (13 beads)
Length of Bracelet: approx. 7 inches
Silver Weight: approx. 3.7 gms

Product Code: TMB38


INR 18,425

Empower yourself by wearing this Mala and Bracelet set, strung with lustrous12 Mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow Citrine Gemstone beads, designed with Silver spacers and accessories, looks radiant. This set effectively balances the Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the power centre of every individual. The Yellow Citrine gemstone and 12 Mukhi are associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, works on healing and balancing it which helps to realize one's own power, bestows courage to face challenges, enhances leadership qualities, confidence, power, determination, positivity, supports in earning respect, name, fame in society, releases worries and helps to be in a lighter, joyful mode. 

Yellow Citrine gemstone is known for drawing prosperity and good fortune and the healing qualities of 12 Mukhi boosts energy, vitality, power, bestows success, good health and brilliance, which enhance the benefits of this Bracelet. 

The Mala is enhanced in beauty with its round Yellow Citrine Locket and the Bracelet is strung on adjustable string for easy wear. 

Buy this set of 12 Mukhi Rudraksha and Yellow Citrine Mala and Bracelet set and stand in your own power and experience the joys of life. 

Dimension of Mala:
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: 15 mm (4 beads)
Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (70 beads)
Yellow Citrine Pendent: 24 mm (L) x 24 mm (W) 
Length of Mala: approx. 30 inches
Silver Weight: approx. 9.5 gms

Dimension of Bracelet:
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: 15 mm (2 beads)
Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (13 beads)
Length of Bracelet: approx. 7 inches
Silver Weight: approx. 3.7 gms

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