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Five Headed Snake in Copper

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Five Headed Snake (Vasuki) Copper Statue

INR 5,300 - 9,525

Product Code: NN02

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The admirable Five Headed Snake is crafted meticulously in pure shining Copper, meant to coil the Shivalingam at home or office alters. The Snake is a permanent adornment of Lord Shiva, depicted with a Snake coiled around His neck. Therefore, Shivalingam in temples are found with a Snake coiling it and its hood fanning over the Lingam. The Five headed Snake in Copper when placed with the Shivalingam in the personal Puja Alter brings fearlessness, protection, power and blessings of Lord Shiva.The Copper Snake has detailed craftsmanship. The scales are prominently visible, there are three coils of the Snake, the five heads look hostile with fangs sticking out and each head dons a little Crown, which adds a creative touch to the Snake figurine. 

The Five headed Snake in Copper, fits the Shivalingam perfectly and looks majestic in the Puja Alter. The Snake has various deeper meaning, as found in ancient texts, like, the Snake around Lord Shiva's neck (Vasuki) signifies the ego which should be tamed or else it may have a poisonous effect in life. It also means the Kundalini, the dormant energy that sits coiled at the base of the Muladhar (Root) Chakra, which when raised leads to spiritual enlightenment and awareness of one's true life purpose.

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