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Lead Vastu Pyramid

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Lead Vastu Pyramid

INR 600

Dimension: 2.5 (H) x 2 (L) inches
Weight: approx. 534 gms

Product Code: CVJ35


INR 600

Pyramid made in lead is used for correction of Vastu defects. Pyramids made in heavy lead are widely used as a Vastu remedy to balance or activate the Earth element. Lead is an auspicious metal that helps ward off negative energies and thus is often placed above doors and entrances. Also pyramids help in energy concentration and maximization. The lead pyramid balances the energies of the Earth element. They can be concealed in the walls or floor or can be installed and kept in the required place. One or more lead pyramids are recommended by Vastu experts to rectify the defects and doshas of the Southwest directions.

Dimension: 2.5 (H) x 2 (L) inches
Weight: approx. 534 gms

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