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Shiva in Gomed - 59.45 carats

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Shiva in Gomed 59.45 carats

INR 5,945 - 7,175

Product Code: GS113

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Shiva is "The Auspicious One". He is the creator as well as the destroyer. He creates goodness and destroys evil. Shiva is the greatest of renouncers as well as the ideal lover. He destroys evil and protects the good. He bestows prosperity on worshipers although he is austere. He is omnipresent and resides in everyone as pure consciousness. 

Lord Shiva represents the vital goodness in the form of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Lord Shiva performs a celestial role of dissolution and recreation of the universe. He is mostly associated with the word like destroyer and destruction.Shiva is also known as Bhole Shankar, the innocent god, who gets appeased easily. 

Worshiping him removes ignorance and bestows power of wisdom to his devotees. 

Lord Shiv in Gomed is imperative for those suffering from malefic effects of Rahu. Malefics of Rahu increases mental tension, and makes one angry & annoyed over small matters. One lacks decision-making power, and is always lost in day dreams and flights of fancies. 

This is recommended to be worn on body as a pendant, to give dual benefits of gomed gemstone and blessing of Shiva. 

Idol can be set in a silver/gold locket.

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