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Thirteen Mukhi from Nepal - CXCVII

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Thirteen Mukhi from Nepal CXCVII

USD 222.06

Wear as Bracelet on wrist/upper arm for best results (RRCT)

Product Code: R13GM

Bead Size: 27 mm

Size Grade: Regular



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Loose Bead





Add: Rudraksha Puja & Cleaning Kit

Rudraksha Puja & Cleaning Kit

+ USD 19.74

Comprises of Gangajal, Diya, Brass Puja Plate, Brush, Sandal Paste, Sandal Olive Oil, Rudraksha Japa Mala, Dhoop, Cotton Wicks inside a Jute Bag for Rudraksha Puja, Cleaning & Maintenance


USD 222.06

13 mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Kamadeva, the Cupid or God of Love and passion. It bestows the power of attraction and charisma to the wearer and fulfils desires. It brings joy and fulfilment and enhances taste of life. Lord Krishna is identified as the original Kamadeva in Vaishnava tradition. Wearing 13 mukhi Kamadeva Rudraksha gives health, physical beauty, spouse and children and also wealth, success and growth in one's true life-purpose. 

Siddhas wear this Rudraksha to rise above Maya or illusions and hence awaken Siddhis and raise Kundalini energy. 

Benefits: Love, Joy, Charisma, Attraction, Desire Fulfilment
Ruling God: Kamadeva
Ruling Planet: Moon, Venus

Origin: Nepal 
Bead size: 27 mm 

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