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Tiger Eye Round Beads Necklace

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Tiger Eye Round Beads Necklace

INR 2,025

Bead Size: 6 to 14 mm
No of Beads: 52 
Length (Circumference): 18 inches
German Silver Used: 2 gms

Product Code: TEN24


INR 2,025

The Tiger Eye Round Beads Necklace is an exquisitely designed spiritual accessory, featuring large, polished Tiger Eye beads that radiate a captivating golden-brown hue. The larger size of the beads enhances the presence and energy of the necklace, making it a powerful tool for those seeking grounding, protection, and confidence. 

Tiger Eye is known for its ability to boost courage, mental clarity, and focus, while also providing emotional balance and shielding the wearer from negative energies. 

The large beads add a sense of strength and boldness to the design, allowing the wearer to feel empowered and connected to the grounding energy of the earth. This necklace is perfect for meditation, personal growth, or as a statement piece, offering both style and spiritual benefits. The Tiger Eye Round Beads Necklace is an ideal companion for those looking to enhance their confidence and stay centered in challenging situations, while also enjoying the beauty and elegance of natural stone.

Bead Size: 6 to 14 mm
No of Beads: 52 
Length (Circumference): 18 inches
German Silver Used: 2 gms

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