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Agate is a protective stone with magnificent colors which has been used for its many virtues since more than 2000 years ago. Agate stone was abundantly used during high Antiquity to make ornaments for jewelry, sacred objects and artifacts like vases and more because of its beautiful colors. In many ancient civilizations Agate stone was very often associated with Gods and Goddesses. Black Agate is one of the rarest types of agate, and its dark, hypnotic hue makes it one of the most impressive and mysterious gemstones in the universe, and one of the most attractive varieties in the jewelry market.

  • About Agate Gemstone
  • Who should wear Agate gemstone?
  • Agate Benefits
  • Agate Quality & Price
  • FAQs

Agate gemstone gets its name from ‘Achates’, the ancient Latin name of the Dirillo River in Sicily. Agate is a stone that forms in volcanic regions. It was previously possible to find Agates all over the world. Today, the main deposits are in southern Brazil and Quebec, specifically at Mont-Lyall. From the Chalcedony family, Agate stone is made of silicon dioxide. It is a semi-hard fine stone, as its hardness is between 6 and 7 Mohs. Its density is often 2.58 but can go up to 2.64. The bands sometimes visible on the gemstone come from a rhythmic crystallization, a bound form of microcrystalline, fine-grained Quartz. Its beautiful hues and banding of this translucent gemstone make it very special. Agates can have a variety of unique designs and patterns, but each Agate has its own distinct look.

Considered a protective stone for thousands of years, Agate helps drive away negative energies and influences. It has served as a protective talisman since ages. It has been used for warding off curses, Evil Eye and has also been used as a gift for people who have been married for a long time. It has also been used to make jewelry, down the ages and is still being widely used for the same purposes. Various shapes of beads are made to make different types of jewelry. Artifacts of Agate gemstone are also admired, like, Bookends, Coasters, Paperweights and a variety of other such creative products.

Agate helps soothe the body and the mind. It also helps relieve stress, stabilize anxiety and balances one’s thoughts. Placing an Agate stone near the bed helps one sleep well and ward off nightmares and bad dreams. Black Agate is a cleansing stone for negative energies, as it not only shields but also transforms them. This is why it is so popular with people who believe they are being surrounded by negative energy.

In terms of the energy field, black agate is associated with achievement and the wearer's protection. In other words, if the user is attempting to accomplish any goal or desire, the Hakik stone will provide him with all necessary protection. You will never have to worry about bad luck and will always be safe from negative energy.

Other Names:Sulemani Hakik or Pathar
Agate gemstone Planet:Saturn
Vedic Rashi (Moon Sign):Gemini and Virgo
Lagna (Ascendants):Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus.
Agate Zodiac Sun Sign:Gemini
Agate Gemstone Chakra:Muladhara (Root) chakra
Birthstone of which Month:May


Although Agate gemstone can be worn by anyone for its healing, mystic and other benefits, it is highly recommended that an astrological and chakra expert consultation is sought before wearing Agate. In Chakra science, it helps open and balance the Muladhara or the Root Chakra. Thus, it is highly recommended for those looking for grounding, support and stability in their lives. One may also consult a Chakra analyst or a Vedic astrologer to check the compatibility of the stone. This gemstone blesses with a feeling of protection and belonging. You can take advantage of our expert advice on the suitability and compatibility of wearing this stone.

People in the ancient world used sulemani pathar stones for keeping negative energies at bay. The stone is very favorable for married couples and helps maintain harmony. It is a great stone for Athletes, as it adds speed to the physical body. This stone may be worn by those who cannot distinguish between reality and illusion, true friends and false ones, or right and wrong. Agate stone provides significant relief to those afflicted with insomnia or nightmares.

When you need stability and grounding in your life, the Agate crystal is the stone to call upon for support. In addition to its supportive energy, the Agate stone has long been admired for its dazzling attractiveness. Agate's crystal properties connect you to the Earth's delicate vibrations, making it a soft stone with a diffused, light energy. When you feel disoriented or overwhelmed by modern life, Agate's gentle vibrations and steady cadence can provide you with a sense of calm and support.

As a professional supporting stone, Sulemani stone stabilizes the creativity and inspiration of artists, offers personal protection to police, telephone workers, cooks, chefs, and bakers, and shields construction workers from plummeting objects. It provides dancers, dentists, and environmentalists with physical fortitude and endurance, and educators and recreational workers with emotional endurance.

Important Details:

Note that one should only wear natural, unheated, untreated Agates gemstones so they can experience healing and empowerment. Rudra Centre only deals in 100% natural, unheated, untreated sulemani aqeeq gemstones.

How many carats?5-7 Carats
Which metal for the ring?Silver/Gold
Color of Agate:Black, Brown.
Which finger to wear inConsult Our Experts to know the correct finger.
When to wear (Day and Time)Saturday morning
Mantra For Agate StoneOm Sham Shanicharaya Namah (108 Times)

Agate Buying Guide

Check its Origin:

Agates extracted from Madagascar, in East Africa, using traditional hand mining methods are of exceptional quality and have a distinct black coloration among all black Agate stones. Those from Brazil are ranked second in terms of quality. Black agate is also earthed in Mexico, Uruguay, and the United States.

Observe their Color:

Black agate is a jet black gemstone that is opaque. It is often found falling over. Some black agate chunks feature a white and black banding with a sparkling core when cut. The black luster of agate or hakik pathar is glossy.

Notice their Clarity:

Typically, black banded Agate is a shiny gemstone with few or no discernible eye inclusions. Therefore, it is a natural high quality gemstone. It has a translucent appearance and a surface that is transparent to translucent. Its exterior is devoid of blemishes, scratches, and fissures.

Examine their Inclusions:

Madagascar's best quality translucent Agate gemstones have uneven inclusions. They lack the typical agate patterning and instead are transparent and semitranslucent with dendritic inclusions. Branched inclusions can sometimes resemble vegetation or flora. They are composed of manganese or iron. The agates with patterns resembling feathers are known as plume agates. Dendritic agates have branching patterns evocative of trees. Still, the gem should be free of large inclusions and fractures and appear flawless.

See their Shape:

Agate typically forms as spherical nodules or buttons, which must be carved open to reveal the stone's internal pattern. Black agates that are found in their natural state must be polished to reveal their true aesthetic value and complete glossiness. Agate can be fashioned into a wide range of shapes, including emerald, round, pear, and square. If agate is cut with skill, the natural bands and patterns of the stone will be highlighted.

Check the Carats:

For black agate of gem quality, the raw agate is divided and polished into smaller stones of variable carat weight. In general, agates weighing between 5 and 7 carats are appropriate for jewelry, whereas agates weighing over 7 carats are used for ornamental purposes. Because agate is sold by weight, multicolored agate prices are calculated per carat. Stones of comparable dimensions but distinct varieties vary greatly in price.

Avoid Heated & Treated Agates

Due to treatments the sulemani hakik stone loses its natural composition and thus loses its natural frequency. These heated and treated Agate do not offer any healing benefits and should be avoided.

Check for Lab Certificate:

It is recommended that you should purchase Agate gemstones along a lab tested certificate which can determine its authenticity, treatment status and origin. Rudra Centre has been dealing in natural unheated untreated lab certified gemstones for the past 25 years. Our Agates are certified from trusted labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

Why buy Agates from Rudra Centre?

We only deal with untreated and unheated gemstones from their natural sources, which we energize in accordance with Vedic Vidhi, after more than 20 years of research and 100.000+ satisfied, healed, and empowered customers.

Can I give my used Agate gemstone to someone else?

You should avoid it if you are wearing it. However, if you have not used it for an extended period, you can pass it on to someone else. It is recommended to not wear it for at least 2 weeks before giving it to someone else. You can also follow the cleansing and reenergizing process mentioned in the benefits section.

General Benefits of Agate

  • It enhances creative skills.
  • It has a profound grounding effect.
  • It removes lethargy and low energy.
  • It provides a realistic perspective and lucidity.
  • It bestows clarity and clairvoyant powers.
  • It brings foundation and focus on all tasks.
  • It provides stability and success to the wearer.
  • It brings prosperity and positive energies.
  • It calms down a wandering mind.
  • It releases traumas from the past.
  • It is an effective stress reliever.
  • It eliminates negative energies.
  • It confers sudden and unexpected perks.
  • It strengthens the bond with the family.
  • It blesses with good luck.

Health Benefits of Agate

  • It cures insomnia.
  • It relieves arthritis.
  • It removes fertility issues.
  • It facilitates childbirth.
  • It heals skin diseases.
  • It alleviates allergies.
  • It helps with stomach ailments.
  • It enhances cognitive capabilities.

Mental & Spiritual Benefits of Agate

  • It has stabilizing and grounding effects.
  • It brings peace to your life and a sense of calmness.
  • It provides protection during difficult times.
  • It cleanses your body of negative thoughts and energy.
  • It provides courage and self-confidence to find a solution.
  • It is ideal for focusing, as it can increase your concentration.
  • It boosts your self-motivation to pursue your goals.

Astrological Benefits of Agate

  • It pacifies the malefic effects of Saturn or Shani Dev.
  • It harnesses the positivity of Saturn Returns for the wearer’s progress in life.
  • It mitigates the effects of Shani Sade Sati and Saturn Mahadasha/Antardasha or Retrograde Saturn.
  • It leverages all the beneficial effects of Jupiter in the birth chart.

How to Energize & Recharge Agate Gemstone?

Agate purification alone is insufficient to obtain its desired benefits. Its energization is likewise essential. One must energize his or her Agate stone jewelry prior to wearing it.

Perform the activation or energization rituals following the completion of the purification process.

To Cleanse your Agate Dip it in Salt Water Solution (If possible, use unprocessed sea salt) OR you can perform smudging technique using Sage or Palo Santo.

Keep it under Sunlight or Under Full Moon Rays for 10 – 15 mins.

Hold the Agate in your hand and Chant the Agate gemstone Mantra:

Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah || शं शनिचराय नम || 108 times.

While chanting the mantra you can visualize white color positive energy surrounding your Agate and restoring its powers.

Other Mantras of Lord Shani (Saturn) you can chant are mentioned below:

Vedic Stotra Mantra for Shani Planet

|| Nilanjan samabhasam raviputram yamagrajam chaya martand sambhutam tam namami shainshcharam ||

The one who is blue, one who is like charcoal, one who is the son of Surya and the brother of Yama, one who is born to Chaya and Surya, I prostrate that Saneeswara.

Tantrik Beeja Mantra for Shani/Saturn

Om Praang Preeng Proung Sah Shaneschray Namah ||

You can choose to reenergize the Agate on a Saturday.

Now, wear your Agate to appease Lord Shani and receive its blessings.

How to check if Agate suits you?

Preferably, a powerful gemstone such as sulemani hakik should only be worn after consultation with an RRCT specialist. Nevertheless, it will be appropriate if worn according to RRCT, and we will add bhasm and energize it for only positive effects.

You can also give yourself at least 72 hours after embracing an Agate to determine whether or not you are experiencing any negative effects. If after 72 hours of embracing the Agate stone you do not feel even the slightest effect, you are safe to use Agate, as this shows it is safe and sure for you and it will not negatively affect you in any way.

If after a few days of wearing you feel completely energized, inspired, and normal instead of confused, drowsy and numb, Agate is a good choice for you. You will soon receive a subtle indication that wealth and good fortune are abundant in your life. Agate has been considered a gemstone of prosperity for centuries.

How to know if Agate is working?

Within 10 days of wearing, you should start feeling calmer and more grounded with a more balanced body, these are well known properties of Agate of any color from people from all over the world. Black agate has a profound grounding effect.

Sulemani hakik, particularly, is a stone that provides stability and steadiness during times of upheaval. Assume you're in the midst of making a critical decision; the stone will assist you in getting through it. The stone has gentle healing properties and soothing properties that will assist you in achieving inner peace. Its calming energy can help you overcome negative emotions like grief, fear, rage, and even emotional trauma. It promotes peace by dampening negative energy.

Sulemani Hakik stone aids in the organization of chaotic thoughts and the replacement of them with peaceful ones. If you find yourself angry, depressed, or abandoned, black agate will help you get through it by bringing you stability and balance. Once the gem has helped you with your problems, it will assist you in moving into the next chapter of your life. All these inner and outer signs indicate your Agate is working.

How long do the effects of Agate last?

If cared for properly, Agate can be worn as jewelry for generations. You must wear it until your chakras are balanced. Typically, experts advise wearing gemstones for four years, after which they are no longer necessary.

For the best results it is highly recommended that one wears only 100% natural, unheated, and untreated Agate gemstones. As per the Vedic scriptures, a heat treatment harms its sattvic nature, rendering the stone less effective and beneficial. Like other gemstones, the quality of Agate is also determined by the four Cs (Color, Cut, Carat, Clarity).


The best quality Agate is a clear crystalline color with vivid and vibrant color saturation and tone. The color should be evenly distributed with no visible color-zone. Due to trace metals in the mineral's chemical composition, agates form in a multitude of colors. Natural and deep hues are more valuable than those with less intense or artificial hues. The least frequent tints are blue and green. They will command slightly higher prices than the colors red and yellow.


Best quality Agate stones have cuts that maximize the effect of hue, tone, saturation and surface area. Agate cabochons or segments should exhibit the stone's patterns attractively. The banding or inclusions will be enhanced by a proper cut to create a stunning and enticing piece. Most essential for carved or sculpted items is the inventive use of natural patterns. Consequently, the artistic use of agate will increase the price of this gem. Rather than the stone itself, artistry and talent account for the majority of the expense.


Agate of 5 – 7 carat is most popular in Vedic Astrology. Significant smaller and larger Agates are used in contemporary jewelry. Generally, the price of Agate rises as the size/weight/carat increases.


Best quality Agate gemstones have high clarity, with little inclusions. Agate stone which are eye clean and do not contain any cracks or scratches command a premium. But for some varieties of agate such as moss, dendritic and plume, the inclusions enhance their value as these inclusions provide an individual beauty and pattern to the stone.

Dealers deal in agate stones which are synthetic to natural but which are treated/heated and color enhanced, so it is immensely important to purchase only from a reputed dealer with certification from a reputed lab.

Agate Gemstone Price

Sulemani stone price depends on the Agate stone size, the cut and also the Agate stone origin of that particular color. For example, Moss Agate of India is considered of superior quality and fetches good prices. Also, Agate gemstone price with special patterns or Banding styles may cost more than other Agate stones.

Hakik stone price is not excessively high, but rather moderate. For making jewelry, Agate stone beads, artifacts, and other similar items, the Agate stone price per kilogram is economical for all who purchase Agate stone at wholesale. Agate is frequently colored with dyes and treated with heat to enhance color.

A gemstone, when worn for its healing property, loses it if heat treatments are performed, as when heat-treated or goes through the dying process. Agate has many healing properties; to take maximum advantage of its healing powers only untreated Agate stone should be worn.

Depending on their carats, the price of genuine, natural, unheated, and untreated Agate at Rudra Centre ranges from INR 35 to 3,060 (USD 4 to 38.25).

How to Identify or Test Original & Authentic Agates?

The best way to check the authenticity of Agate is by getting a Lab tested report from a reputed laboratory. Rudra Centre only deals with Vedic Astrology approved gemstones that are natural, untreated, and unheated. All our Agates are certified by reputable labs like GIA, GLI, IGI and IGITL.

Look for flaws along with inclusions. Use a magnifying glass with at least 10x magnification to examine the Agate carefully. Look for specks and blemishes, as they form with minute particles of other material. These flaws are strong evidence that an Agate is genuine. Lab-created (fake) Agates have no inclusions of this nature, and neither do natural Agate, but if you find flaws, then your Agate is genuine.

Examine the gemstone for air bubbles. Essentially, lab-created Agates are glass that has undergone a process similar to that which forms natural Agate. Since they are made of glass, they retain miniscule air bubbles after formation. If there are bubbles within the Agate, it is not genuine. Be sure to inspect your Agate from every angle by turning it over. There is a possibility that bubbles of air will only be evident from a single angle.

Look at how light is reflected by the Agate. Turn off all the lights and shine your flashlight on the Agate. If it is genuine, it will only reflect light of the same hue as itself. If it is a fake, made of glass, it will reflect colors other than the natural color of the gem.

Agate Cleaning & Maintenance

It is essential to give your gemstone a thorough cleaning in order to preserve its luster, as regular use can cause it to become dull. This washing enables it to purge itself of negative energies as well.

Agate is a very gentle stone for cleaning. A little bit of dishwashing liquid added to some water will be very beneficial. It is not required to be submerged in water for any length of time. The stone can be cleaned by passing it through a gentle current of moving water, and then being dried with a clean, soft cloth afterward.

No, Agate will activate and work only if it is in contact with your body at the correct position. To experience 100% results from Agate you have to wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for guidance.

No, heated Agates do not work.

If you have worn the Agate continuously you may not need to re-energize it. It is advisable to energize it if you have not worn it for an extended period of time. You can follow the steps mentioned in the Benefits Section.

The best way is to get a lab test certificate from reputed labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

With proper care, the effects of Agate will last for generations. The majority of the time, they balance the chakras, we learn the lessons and align with the planets, and we may no longer need them after a period of time.

Agate weighing between 5 and 7 carats are appropriate for harnessing its properties.

You can wash it with soapy water and use a soft toothbrush/cloth to remove stain, dirt, etc. You can read in detail in the Quality & Price Section.

For the best results, use the stone as a Ring or a Pendant and it has to be worn as per Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, RRST, which is a scientific healing method devised by Sakhashree Neetaji. To know the right placement of Agate gemstone, you may contact us as our team of experts will guide you.

You do not need to follow any precautions if you are wearing the Agate as per RRST.

You can wear Amazonite gemstone everyday as per RRST and ideally start to wear it on a Saturday morning.

Those who experience the psychological and physical issues described in the Benefits section, as well as those whose Muladhara chakra is out of balance.

Yes, Agate will suit you if you wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for proper guidance and how to wear the gemstone.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

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K-29029-S1Agate Stone - 4.40 Carats

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Origin: Brazil


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