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White Topaz Stone

The sparkling White Topaz stone is a variant of the Topaz gemstone. This beautiful stone is also known as Silver Topaz or Clear Topaz. Its healing properties and metaphysical properties bring clarity of mind, of thoughts and intentions, bringing the truth about self into the awareness of the wearer and aids in the manifestation of desires.

  • About White Topaz Gemstone
  • Who should wear White Topaz gemstone?
  • White Topaz gemstone Benefits
  • White Topaz Quality & Price
  • FAQs

White Topaz gemstone is a colorless variation of topaz, which is a silicate mineral that comes in a variety of colors. White topaz is quite inexpensive when compared to other gemstones such as emerald, ruby, or diamond. As with these precious gems, white topaz has the ability to bring happiness and joy to those who wear it. White Topaz contains a plethora of metaphysical properties that can be used to improve your daily life.

The name Topaz comes from the Greek word Topazios, which was the name of the island in the Egyptian Red Sea. However, it was not discovered in the island, rather it was Peridot gemstone which was mined in the Topazo island (now called Zabargad or St. John's Island) which was initially called Topaz and later renamed Peridot. Another belief is that Topaz might also be connected to the Sanskrit word 'tapas', meaning fire.

Natural White Topaz stone has its own respected place in history. It has been mentioned in Biblical and Hebrew texts. The ancient Greeks believed that the genuine White Topaz could bring the power to be invisible to the wearer. It has been used by travelers to be protected and safe in the journey. The power of this stone was used as medicine as the healing power of it was known even then.

White Topaz Gemstone was previously lost in a plethora of white stones, being mixed and matched with Zircon, feldspar, and quartz, but in the past 50 years, it has captured the attention of designers and jewelers. Other than diamond, this gem is the most popular Whitestone in modern Gemology, per the definition of White Topaz.

White Topaz can also be used to accentuate your individuality, allowing you to stand out from the crowd and make a greater impression with your presence. This stone will also assist you in synchronizing your thoughts and ideas with those of the divine realm, so that your life becomes more aligned with the path that has been selected for you.

This gemstone is the closest in appearance to Diamond and is widely worn and used as a substitute for Diamond as the cost is much lower than Diamond. It is not surprising that White Topaz engagement rings are popular among people all over the world because they appear like diamonds and are affordable.

It may assist you in achieving your life's intended objectives much more quickly and fluidly. You can manifest your ideas and visions into reality by utilizing the White Topaz's powers which unblocks the Crown or Sahasrara chakra.

Other Names:Safed Topaz (Hindi)
White Topaz Gemstone Planet:Neptune
Vedic Rashi (Moon Sign):Taurus
Lagna (Ascendants):Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.
White Topaz Zodiac Sun Sign:Pisces
White Topaz Gemstone Chakra:Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
Birthstone of which Month:April


Although White Topaz gemstone can be worn by anyone for its healing, mystic and other benefits, it is highly recommended that an astro and chakra expert consultation is sought before wearing White Topaz. In Chakra science, it helps open and balance the Crown Chakra. Thus, it is highly recommended for those looking for relief from stress, peace of mind and calmness.

One may also consult a Chakra analyst or a Vedic astrologer to check the compatibility of the stone. This gemstone blesses with a soothing feeling and relaxing effect. You can take advantage of our expert advice on the suitability and compatibility of wearing this stone.

White Topaz jewelry is best for those seeking mental clarity in life. Anyone too confused or unable to make decisions can wear this sparkling beautiful gemstone. Anyone who desires to connect with the spiritual realm and enhance their intuitive and clairvoyant powers can wear this stone. In its raw form, it is excellent for skin, hair, nails problems, so anyone suffering from these symptoms can wear this healing gemstone. Those who desire to connect with the spiritual (higher) awareness should also wear it.

White topaz rings are a popular choice for engagements and weddings because of their near-identical appearance to diamonds.

Important Details: 

Note that one should only wear natural, unheated, untreated White Topaz gemstones so they can experience healing and empowerment. Rudra Centre only deals in 100% natural, unheated, untreated White Topaz gemstones.

How many carats?7 Carats and above for best results
Which metal for the ring?Silver & Gold.
Color of White Topaz:Colorless
Which finger to wear in:Consult Our Experts to know the correct finger.
When to wear (Day and Time):Friday morning
Mantra For White Topaz Stone:Om Shum Shukraya Namah (108 Times)

White Topaz Buying Guide

Check its Origin:

The world’s biggest and prime source of high-grade White Topaz stones is in Brazil. Following it are Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Madagascar, Namibia, Myanmar, the United States, Sri Lanka, and Russia, which produce good-quality topaz.

Observe their Color:

Although white topaz is transparent, it may contain natural impurities that affect its color and translucent clarity.

Notice their Clarity:

White Topaz is actually translucent in its purest form, and the hues of its colored variations are caused by impurities in the stone.

Examine their Inclusions:

White topaz can have natural internal flaws (inclusions) such as lines, spots, crystal formations, and so on. The value of stones with few flaws increases. Look for white topaz gems that are as clean to the naked eye as possible.

See their Shape:

It is typically polished into various shapes, including oval, round, cushion, pear, and square. White topaz is found in nearly all shapes due to its affordability and availability.

Check the Carats:

For White Topaz of gem quality, the raw White Topaz is divided and polished into smaller stones of variable carat weight. In general, White Topaz weighing 7 carats and above are appropriate for jewelry. Because White Topaz is sold by weight, White Topaz prices are calculated per carat. Stones of comparable dimensions but distinct varieties vary greatly in price. The more carats and clarity White Topaz has, the higher its price.

Avoid Heated & Treated White Topaz

Due to treatments the White Topaz stone loses its natural composition and thus loses its natural frequency. These heated and treated White Topaz do not offer any healing benefits and should be avoided.

Check for Lab Certificate

It is recommended that you should purchase White Topaz gemstones along a lab tested certificate which can determine its authenticity, treatment status and origin. Rudra Centre has been dealing in natural unheated untreated lab certified gemstones for the past 25 years. Our White Topaz are certified from trusted labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

Why buy White Topaz from Rudra Centre?

We only deal with untreated and unheated gemstones from their natural sources, which we energize in accordance with Vedic Vidhi, after more than 20 years of research and 100.000+ satisfied, healed, and empowered customers.

Can I give my used White Topaz gemstone to someone else?

You should avoid it if you are wearing it. However, if you have not used it for an extended period, you can pass it on to someone else. It is recommended to not wear it for at least 2 weeks before giving it to someone else. You can also follow the cleansing and reenergizing process mentioned in the benefits section.

General Benefits of White Topaz

  • It sharpens mental clarity and focus.
  • It induces deep mental bliss and peace.
  • It dramatically raises the awareness of the wearer.
  • It provides Supreme divine guidance and protection.
  • It alleviates a wide range of neurological conditions.
  • It connects the wearer to the collective unconscious.
  • It makes meditation easier for those who cannot do it.
  • It brings material abundance whenever needed.
  • It allows unlimited spiritual self-realization.

Health Benefits of White Topaz

  • It lessens Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  • It relieves Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) conditions and OCD.
  • It brings profound relief to all sorts of neurological conditions.
  • It alleviates Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • It relieves skin disorders such as Psoriasis or Vitiligo.
  • It reduces all types of psychiatric disorders.

Mental & Spiritual Benefits of White Topaz

  • It allows you to accept your truth.
  • It enhances and sharpens mental clarity.
  • It soothes an overactive Sahasrara chakra.
  • It activates an underactive Sahasrara chakra.
  • It stimulates clear, innovative and new ideas.
  • It brings light in situations of confusion and darkness.
  • It enlightens spiritual sadhana and meditation.

Astrological Benefits of White Topaz

  • It pacifies the malefic effects of Venus or Shukra Dev.
  • It harnesses the positivity of Venus Returns for the wearer’s progress in life.
  • It mitigates the effects of Shukra Sade Sati and Venus Mahadasha/Antardasha or Retrograde Venus.

How to Energize & Recharge White Topaz Gemstone?

White Topaz purification alone is insufficient to obtain its desired benefits. Its energization is likewise essential. One must energize his or her White Topaz stone jewelry prior to wearing it.

Perform the activation or energization rituals following the completion of the purification process.

To Cleanse your White Topaz Dip it in Salt Water Solution (If possible, use unprocessed sea salt) OR you can perform the smudging technique using Sage or Palo Santo.

Keep it under Sunlight or Under Full Moon Rays for 10 – 15 mins.

Hold the White Topaz in your hand and Chant the White Topaz gemstone Mantra:

Om Shum Shukraya Namah || ॐशुं शुक्राय नम || 108 times.

While chanting the mantra you can visualize white color positive energy surrounding your White Topaz and restoring its powers.

Other Mantras of Lord Shukra (Venus) you can chant are mentioned below

Vedic Stotra Mantra for Shukra Planet

|| Hima kundha Mrunaalaabham Dhaithyaanam Paramam Gurum 
Sarva saasthra Pravruththaaram Bhaargavam Pranamaam Yaham ||

The one who has the lustre of the dew, Lotus stem and Thumba flower, High priest of Asuras and the one who preaches the Shatras, I prostrate before (Bhargava) Sukracharya.

Tantrik Beeja Mantra for Shukra/Venus

Om Draamg Dreeng Droung Sah Shukray Namah ||

You can choose to reenergize the White Topaz on a Friday.

Now, wear your White Topaz to appease Lord Shukra and receive its blessings.

How to check if White Topaz suits you?

Preferably, a powerful gemstone such as White Topaz should only be worn after consultation with an RRCT specialist. Nevertheless, it will be appropriate if worn according to RRCT, and we will add bhasm and energize it for only positive effects.

You can also give yourself at least 72 hours after embracing a White Topaz to determine whether or not you are experiencing any negative effects. If after 72 hours of embracing the White Topaz stone you do not feel even the slightest effect, you are safe to use White Topaz, as this shows it is safe and sure for you and it will not negatively affect you in any way.

If after a few days of wearing you feel completely energized, inspired, and normal instead of confused, drowsy and numb, White Topaz is a good choice for you. You will soon receive a subtle indication that wealth and good fortune are abundant in your life. White Topaz has been considered a gemstone of luck and prosperity for centuries.

How to know if White Topaz is working?

Within 10 days of wearing, you should start feeling how your perception of current reality moves to higher planes of understanding and how the way to express yourself reflects higher and more attuned realities with the divine. You should feel calmer and improve your ability to think more clearly. You can also set the right boundaries both internally and externally to build healthy interactions with the world. It should also become easier and more convenient to share your thoughts, beliefs and feelings in order to reveal your truth to the world. These are clear signs that your white topaz is working.

How long do the effects of White Topaz last?

If cared for properly, a White Topaz can be worn as jewelry for generations. You must wear it until your chakras are balanced. Typically, experts advise wearing gemstones for four years, after which they are no longer necessary.

For the best results it is highly recommended that one wears only 100% natural, unheated, and untreated White Topaz gemstones. As per the Vedic scriptures, a heat treatment harms its sattvic nature, rendering the stone less effective and beneficial. Like other gemstones, the quality of White Topaz is also determined by the four Cs (Color, Cut, Carat, Clarity). 


The perfectly formed white topaz mineral is colorless. In most cases, the white color is influenced by some naturally occurring inclusions. A pale or dull White Topaz is also accepted. However, it makes sense to choose the colorless one.


The best part of white topaz is that you can have it in any shape: pear, heart, diamond cut, etc. The best quality White Topaz have cuts that maximize the effect of hue, tone, and saturation.


White Topaz of 7 carats and above is most popular in Vedic Astrology. Significant smaller and larger White Topaz are used in contemporary jewelry. Generally, the price of White Topaz rises as the size/weight/carat increases.


White Topaz gemstone contains a number of inclusions. They naturally occur during the formation phase. It is best to get the white topaz with minimum inclusions.

Traders deal in White Topaz that is synthetic to natural but is treated/heated and color enhanced, so you must buy only from a reputed dealer with certification from a reputable lab.

White Topaz gemstone Price

The price of White Topaz gemstone depends on its size, its cut, as well as its origin in terms of color and clarity, however this is a very affordable gemstone with a high range of mental, emotional and metaphysical properties. Just ensure you get an untreated one.

When a gemstone is heat-treated or undergoes the dying process, its healing properties are lost when it is worn. White Topaz has numerous curative properties; to maximize its curative effects, only untreated White Topaz stone should be worn.

The price of genuine, natural and unheated, untreated White Topaz gemstones at Rudra Centre ranges from INR 750 to INR 10,760 (USD 9 to USD 134).

How to Identify or Test Original & Authentic White Topaz?

The best way to check the authenticity of White Topaz is by getting a Lab tested report from a reputed laboratory. Rudra Centre only deals with Vedic Astrology approved gemstones that are natural, untreated, and unheated. All our White Topaz are certified by reputable labs like GIA, GLI, IGI and IGITL.

Look for flaws along with inclusions. Use a magnifying glass with at least 10x magnification to examine the White Topaz carefully. Look for specks and blemishes, as they form with minute particles of other material. These flaws are strong evidence that a White Topaz is genuine. Lab-created (fake) White Topaz have no inclusions of this nature, and neither do natural White Topaz, but if you find flaws, then your White Topaz is genuine.

Examine the gemstone for air bubbles. Essentially, lab-created White Topaz are glass that has undergone a process similar to that which forms natural White Topaz. Since they are made of glass, they retain miniscule air bubbles after formation. If there are bubbles within the White Topaz, it is not genuine. Be sure to inspect your White Topaz from every angle by turning it over. There is a possibility that bubbles of air will only be evident from a single angle.

Look at how light is reflected by the White Topaz. Turn off all the lights and shine your flashlight on the White Topaz. If it is genuine, it will only reflect light of the same hue as itself. If it is a fake, made of glass, it will reflect colors other than the natural color of the gem.

White Topaz Cleaning & Maintenance

It is recommended to clean the Natural White Topaz gemstone periodically. To detoxify the Raw White Topaz gemstone keep it dipped in water overnight.

White topaz gemstones can be washed with mild water and then dried off with a soft cloth.

Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners as they can damage it.

No, White Topaz will activate and work only if it is in contact with your body at the correct position. To experience 100% results from White Topaz you have to wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for guidance.

No, heated White Topaz does not work.

If you have worn the White Topaz continuously you may not need to re-energize it. It is advisable to energize it if you have not worn it for an extended period of time. You can follow the steps mentioned in the Benefits Section.

The best way is to get a lab test certificate from reputed labs like GIA, IGI, GLI and IGITL.

With proper care, the effects of White Topaz will last for generations. The majority of the time, they balance the chakras, we learn the lessons and align with the planets, and we may no longer need them after a period of time.

White Topaz weighing 7 carats and above are appropriate for harnessing its properties.

You can wash it with soapy water and use a soft toothbrush or cloth to remove stains, dirt, etc. You can read in detail in the Quality & Price Section.

For the best results, use the stone as a Ring or Pendant and it has to be worn as per Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, RRST, which is a scientific healing method devised by Sakhashree Neetaji. To know the right placement of White Topaz gemstone, you may contact us as our team of experts will guide you.

You do not need to follow any precautions if you are wearing the White Topaz as per RRST.

You can wear White Topaz gemstone everyday as per RRST and ideally start to wear it on a Friday morning.

Those who experience the psychological and physical issues described in the Benefits section, as well as those whose Sahasrara chakra is out of balance.

Yes, White Topaz will suit you if you wear it as per RRST. Please consult our RRST counselors for proper guidance and how to wear the gemstone.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

K-25213-SWhite Topaz - 1.51 Carats

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Origin: Brazil

K-25923-sWhite Topaz - 2.75 Carats

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Product Code: WT122

Origin: Brazil


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