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2 Mukhi (Face) Nepali Rudraksha

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha bead represents the divine union of Shiva and Shakti in Ardhanareshwar form, indicating that it is an extremely potent Rudraksha for balancing the mind and providing emotional stability, as well as fostering union between individuals and strengthening family ties. As per Shiv Puran, the 2 mukhi rudraksha bestows the fulfilment of all desires. This is a rudraksha of joyful union.

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  • Benefits & Price
  • Who Should Wear
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2 Mukhi Nepalese Rudraksha is a rare round-shaped Rudraksha bead much more unusual to find that the semi-elliptical 2 Mukhi Indonesian bead. According to Shiv Puran, rounded beads have an emphasized value, making this bead a very sought after Rudraksha, also because 2 mukhi rudraksha is a symbol of the union of the mind and soul, as represented by Shiva and Parvati or the Shivalingam. The wearer of 2 mukhi rudraksha is blessed with inner joy, emotional stability, peace of mind, harmonious relationships and profound healing energy for deep-seated thoughts and feelings. It is ruled by Ardhanareshwar which unifies relationships and strengthens bonds between two persons, and by the Moon, which provides inner emotional ease and release, leading to a deep connection with the self and the others, removing self-doubt and enhancing self-esteem. This divine rudraksha unlocks our inner potential, aligning it with our deepest felt desires, while also nurturing mutual support and bringing balance to any relationship.

Ruling Deity:Lord Ardhanareshwara
Ruling Planet:Moon or Chandra Graha
Nepal Bead Size:15-23 mm
Favorable Day:Monday
Beej Mantra:Om Namah ||
Other Mantras:Chandra mantra & Om Namah Shivay ||

Scriptural Reference of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

Shiva Purana. Chapter 25, Sloka 66.

दो मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष देवों के स्वामी ईसा हैं। यह सभी मनोकामनाओं की पूर्ति करता है। विशेषतः वह रुद्राक्ष गौहत्या के पाप को शीघ्र ही शांत कर देता है।

A Rudraksha with two faces is Isa, the lord of devas. It bestows the fulfilment of all desires. Especially, that Rudraksha quickly quells the sin of cow-slaughter.

2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha is available in a variety of sizes, including: small, regular, large and collector. The bigger the size of the rudraksha the faster the results. This is because the seeds are bigger and the surface area in contact with skin is larger, thus, energy is dispersed more quickly throughout the body.  


2 Mukhi General Benefits

  • Enhances creativity
  • Provides emotional stability
  • Provides harmony in relationships
  • It transforms your personality and outlook in a positive way
  • Provides inner happiness, peace and fulfilment of all desires.
  • Provides healing energy for the balance of mind and emotions
  • Increases fertility and the ability to conceive children
  • To be worn by those who are searching for the perfect life partner
  • Eliminates difficulties and problems encountered during married life
  • It promotes mutual understanding and resolution of conflicts
  • It brings joy and ongoing contentment

2 Mukhi Health Benefits

  • Cures diseases related to the kidney and intestine.
  • Cures sexual diseases and infertility.
  • It boost up memory capability.
  • Balances the pelvic floor.
  • Strengthens muscles.

2 Mukhi Astrological Benefits

  • It removes the negative effects of a debilitated natal Moon.
  • It generates emotional stability during the Moon's progression through the natal chart's houses at any age.
  • A balanced Moon is all about a balanced mind and feelings; therefore, two mukhi rudraksha offers mental peace and balances sentiments by giving rest to wavering thoughts and stabilizing emotions.

2 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha Price

Although the price of any Rudraksha depends on its rarity, Rudra Centre offers authentic 2 mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal at an affordable price. Since it is an agricultural product the harvest of any season determines the price and this can vary from season to season. Rudra Centre sources all our Rudraksha directly from farmers in Nepal, our beads undergo a strict selection process where the size, health, weight and many other relevant parameters of the rudraksha are analysed, since we are the biggest suppliers of Nepal Rudraksha in the world, we are able to provide the best quality Rudraksha at the most reasonable prices to our customers.

As per our research bigger sized beads work faster. Bigger sized beads are rarer, so they are higher priced than smaller sized beads. As per the size of the bead, the Nepalese 2 mukhi rudraksha is classified into small, regular, large & collector.

The price of 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha ranges between INR 14,000 – INR 65,000 (USD 175 – USD 850) depending on their size. There may be some unique well-formed big sized 2 mukhi Nepalese Rudraksha beads which come under the Super Collector variety which are priced as per their rarity.

What differentiates Nepal and Java 2 mukhi Rudrakshas?

The internal structure of the Nepal and Java varieties of 2 mukhi rudraksha is identical, so their properties are equal. Recurrent experiments and client feedback indicate that the only difference is the size of the beads. Nepal variety beads are larger and better formed than Java variety beads; consequently, they work faster because the surface area is more developed and hence the intensity of the healing frequency is more protracted. However, the long-term effects of both varieties are nearly identical. Because Nepal beads are rarer than Java beads, the 2 mukhi from Nepal is more expensive than 2 mukhi from Java. However, many people prefer Java beads because they are smaller and can be worn as alluring jewellery. It is up to the individual to decide.

Who Should wear 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

Wearing 2 mukhi rudraksha creates feelings of oneness and unity between two people, whether they could be wife and husband, mother and son, guru and disciple, friends, colleagues, householders, business people, and all relationships.

It harmonizes all kinds of relationships, both in children and adults, this it is suitable for everyone, but especially for those wishing to attain emotional balance within their relationships, those whishing to meet their perfect life partner, those married couples having troubles, individuals with debilitated Moon in their birth chart and those in need to stabilize their emotions and feel inner peace as it gives rest to wavering thoughts by enhancing inner healing of deep-seated emotions.

On a physical level, two mukhi has been proven to be beneficial for couples planning to have healthy children, removing infertility issues and sexual or urinary problems, for those suffering from kidney and intestine related diseases, and for alleviating muscles tension, especially on the pelvic floor.

How to wear 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

It can be worn as a pendant or a bracelet as per Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT). To obtain 100 percent results from a 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha, it must be worn in accordance with RRCT; for guidance, CLICK HERE to consult our experts.

One can also wear multiple beads of 2 mukhi in form of Kantha Mala or Bracelet. The stringing of 2 mukhi beads in Kantha Mala or Bracelet is very important so that the circuit of energy flow is maintained. Rudra Centre strings multiple beads of 2 mukhi as per our patented Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) which taps into 100% potential of 2 mukhi beads.

Which day to start wearing the 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

Before shipping it to you, Rudra Centre will energise your 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha so that it can be worn immediately, nevertheless; Mondays are also ideal for wearing or beginning to wear a 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha.

How long does it take for 2 mukhi Nepal to Start working?

If worn according to RRCT, the 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha will resonate with your body within three to four days. You will notice that your emotional and mental processes become more streamlined, and you will feel considerably more at ease. Depending on the individual, you will see quantifiable results after a few weeks or months of use as your Swadhisthana chakra become balanced.

How to energize the 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

Rudra Centre performs the Pran Prathistha energizing procedure of your 2 mukhi Nepalese rudraksha before shipping it to you, so you already receive it energized.

If you do not wear your 2 rudraksha bead for more than 2 weeks it will go into “sleep mode”. After this point you can wear it again and it will take 2 weeks to activate and another 2 or 3 days to get into resonance with your body.

If you wear 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha 24/7 as per RRCT you do not need to re-energize it again, which means to wear it while sleeping too. Only after long periods of not wearing the bead after receiving it from us, a re-energizing procedure would be needed. In this case, you can perform regular energization or Pran Prathistha of rudraksha by yourself, or you can also visit a local temple and get it energized from a priest. The detailed procedure of Rudraksha Puja Vidhi is described HERE

Considerations when Wearing a 2 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha

There are no dietary restrictions associated with wearing Rudraksha, such as abstaining from meat or alcohol. Naturally, after a long period of wearing Rudraksha, our body adapts to a more sattvic diet in harmony with Rudraksha vibrations. The full potential of 2 mukhi rudraksha beads can be realized at that time or earlier if a sattvic diet is followed, though this is not compulsory to follow.

You can wear Rudraksha while taking a bath or shower but it is advisable to be cautious about soaps and shower gels adhering to the beads, rinse them as soon as possible with water. Likewise, you can wear the beads in toilets too.

You can wear Rudraksha while you are being physically intimate with your partner however if you feel uncomfortable you can remove it during this period. However, neither you nor your partner should share your rudraksha bead with anyone else. If you wish to donate it, do not wear it for at least two weeks prior to giving it.

It is advised to remove Rudraksha while visiting a cemetery or during the death of a family member or while performing Shraadh rituals (Last Rites).

Rudraksha can be worn by anyone, regardless of gender, caste, religion, or age; women can even wear it during their menstrual cycle. 

How to identify original 2 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

Some fraudulent tests have gained popularity and must be avoided because their results are unreliable and they cannot be used to determine the authenticity of Rudraksha. These include the Water Test, Milk test or Copper Coin Rotation Test.

Following are the ways to establish the authenticity of a 2 Mukhi Rudraksha bead:

  • X-ray or a CT scan Test. The best and the most reliable method. Using this method, one can determine the exact number of compartments and seeds within the bead to determine its authenticity and the exact number of mukhis.
  • Eye Test. An experienced person can establish the authenticity of a bead by minutely observing the bead. Through this method, one may check whether the mukhi lines are complete and if the bead is healthy and lustrous and remains untampered.
  • Properties Test. One way to establish the authenticity of the Rudraksha bead is by studying the properties it exhibits like inductance, capacitance, conduction of electric current, etc.
  • Cut Test. Checking the number of compartments and seeds by slicing the bead. However, this method may destroy the bead.

In recent years many labs have emerged which offer Rudraksha certification however these are highly unreliable because they do not have the right knowledge and many times make mistakes in identifying Rudraksha beads. Many traders are using these labs to issue fake certificates. These labs are not able to distinguish manipulated beads where extra lines are carved on the Rudraksha to make it a higher mukhi which costs more. Also, they do not reject beads with incomplete mukhi lines which actually don’t give results. These labs are not affiliated with any central body or government, so they do not have any credibility. Hence to protect consumers Rudra Centre has opened its own laboratory and have started issuing genuine certificate where all parameters of the Rudraksha are analyzed. We check whether the beads are healthy, mukhi lines are complete and if any manipulation is done on the Rudraksha.

At Rudra Centre, we issue certificates for all beads purchased. If you require an X-ray certificate for the Rudraksha bead, you will be charged an additional INR 500 per Rudraksha bead.

Experts at Rudra Centre can look at the bead and determine if they are original or no. You can send us images & videos of your Rudraksha from different angles at: for our experts to determine its authenticity for free.

How to Clean & Maintain 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha?

Rudraksha beads can last a lifetime and be passed down through generations if cared for properly. Rudraksha beads may develop surface-level cracks in cold and dry climates, so one can apply any natural, unscented oil, such as olive oil, sandalwood oil, or cow ghee. 
Rudraksha may develop molds and insects if they are kept in a humid place and unused for a long time, in this case follow the below steps:

  • Dip the Rudraksha beads in lukewarm water for 15 mins.
  • Clean any molds visible of the surface using a toothbrush.
  • Dry them under the shade of the Sun (indirect Sunlight) or you can also use a dryer or hairdryer.
  • After following the above steps, you can start wearing your rudraksha beads or combination again.

Follow the steps below to regularly clean your Rudraksha beads:

  • Wash Rudraksha beads under running water.
  • Using a toothbrush, scrub the surface of the rudraksha to remove any dust particles stuck in the grooves.
  • Use the shade of the Sun (indirect sunlight) or a hairdryer to dry the beads.
  • Apply any natural and unscented oil like Olive oil, Almond oil or Sandal oil. 

You can watch the below video LINK

  • If you are planning to not wear beads for a long duration, it is advisable to keep them in the fridge.
  • Do not use any chemical cleaner or insecticide or pesticide to clean or treat your Rudraksha.
  • Do not put your rudraksha beads in boiling water or extremely hot water.

2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha Health & Color

2 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha will become darker overtime with usage because it is exposed to oil, sweat and the environment, this is a natural process and doesn’t affect the energy of the Rudraksha bead. It is best to choose a light Sandy Brown to Brown color Rudraksha bead as it generally means the bead is healthy and freshly (recently) harvested. It is advised to avoid wearing dark black or dark grey color beads as they may be lifeless. To check if the bead is healthy and alive just shake the bead well and if you hear the seeds inside rattling then it means that the bead is lifeless or dead and if there is no rattling sound then the bead is healthy and alive. You can inspect the bead from all sides and look inside the natural hole to ensure that there are no white color molds or insects which have infested the bead. Sometimes the soap gets stuck in the grooves, which are white in color; therefore, you should determine whether the white deposits are soap or mold. The mold will appear as threads whereas the soap deposits will be like a cream or paste. The energy of the Rudraksha beads resides is in its seeds, thus we must ensure that the seeds are healthy and alive. 

If worn according to RRST, 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha will only provide benefits. Consult our experts for guidance: CLICK HERE

Yes, you can eat Non Veg foods & Drink alcohol while wearing Rudraksha. There are no side or negative effects if you eat non veg or drink alcohol while wearing Rudraksha. Although a Sattvic vegetarian diet is recommended for optimal absorption of the Rudraksha largest effects, it is not compulsory.

There are no restrictions related to wearing rudraksha so you can wear them while being physically intimate with your partner, however, if you feel uncomfortable you can remove the rudraksha combination during this time.

Yes. Women can wear rudraksha beads during their menstrual cycle, there are no restrictions.

There are no restrictions related to wearing rudraksha so you can wear them while using the washroom or toilet, however it is important to be careful to prevent soap, shampoo or shower gel residues from adhering to the Rudraksha beads.

It is recommended to wear Rudraksha 24/7 even while sleeping for best results as per RRST. At least for the first two weeks, you should wear the combination constantly until it synchronizes with your body's energies. Thereafter, you can if you wish remove it before bed and wear it again in the morning after taking bath.

Yes, as per authentic scriptures anyone regardless of their gender, caste, religion can wear Rudraksha beads. Make sure to wear the beads as instructed by RRST to maximize their effectiveness.

You do not need to energize your 2 mukhi Nepal Rudraksha if you wear it 24/7 according to Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRST).

In Vedic Astrology, 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with the Moon or Chandra Dev, which rules the mind, feelings and emotions of a native. Thus, 2 Mukhi helps to stabilise mind and emotions. It symbolises togetherness and unity.

If you wear 2 mukhi Nepalese Rudraksha according to RRST, it will be suitable for you. Consult our experts for guidance: CLICK HERE

It is advisable to remove Rudraksha beads while visiting a cemetery or funeral or while performing Shraadh Rituals (Last Rites).

Swadhisthana chakra. In accordance with its resonance with the sacral chakra, the 2 mukhi rudraksha is especially beneficial for those who seek strong, stable, and well-balanced relationships, particularly in today's hectic world. It keeps the wearer's mind and emotions in harmony so that he or she can flow through life with happiness and make the best decisions aligned with his or her inner desires.

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Rudra Centre Online Collection

K-25585-SRare Two Mukhi from Nepal Small

INR 9,000

Product Code: R02S

Bead Size: 16 mm

Size Grade: Small

R02-S-new-Rare Two Mukhi from Nepal

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02

Bead Size: 19 mm

Size Grade: Regular

Rare Two Mukhi from Nepal - Small - RCVI2 mukhi Nepali Rudraksha - CXVIII

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02DZ

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-28987-SRare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CXLVI

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FB

Bead Size: 17 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-28988-SRare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CXLVII

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FC

Bead Size: 17 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29271-S1Rare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXV

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FU

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29272-S1Rare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXVI

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FV

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29273-S1Rare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXVII

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FW

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29274-S1Rare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXVIII

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FX

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29276-S1Rare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXX

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02FZ

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

K-29277-SRare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXXI

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02GA

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular

k-29278-SRare 2 Mukhi from Nepal - CLXXII

INR 14,000

Product Code: R02GB

Bead Size: 18 mm

Size Grade: Regular


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