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Devdar Chips

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Devdar Chips

INR 110

Quantity - 50 gms 
Packet Dimension - 5 x 5 Inches 

Product Code: EXH36


INR 110

Devadaru chip is herb chip of coniferous tree known as Cedrus deodara, xuÄ› song, daruk and Himalyan Cedar. It is found in India, Tibet, Nepal and Afghanistan. The medicinal properties of Devadaru chips are as under:

  • Helps cure oral, nasal, cough, cold and skin disorders.
  • Provides relief in fever, asthma, arthritis, headaches and neurological disorder.
  • Helps pacify and cure disorders due to Vaat and Kapha Dosha.
  • It helps nourish liver and maintain cholesterol level.
  • It bitter taste acts as appetizer and laxative and improves digestion and prevents intestinal worms.
  • Helps reduce body fat and cure urinary disorders.

Quantity: 50 gms 
Packet Dimension: 5 x 5 Inches 

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