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Journey of Souls - Michael Newton

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Journey of Souls - Michael Newton

INR 325

Dimension of Book: 8.10 (H) X 5.10 (L) Inches Width: 20 mm Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288

Product Code: BK219


INR 325

THIS REMARKABLE BOOK UNCOVERS the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth. Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist in private practice, has developed his own hypnosis technique to reach his subjects’ hidden memories of the hereafter. The resulting narrative acts as a progressive “travel log” of the accounts of 29 people who were placed in a state of superconsciousness. While in deep hypnosis, these subjects movingly describe what has happened to them between their former reincarnations on earth. Dimension of Book: 8.10 (H) x 5.10 (L) Inches Width: 20 mm Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 288
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