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Rare 8 mukhi Ganesh mala - Set of 9

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Rare 8 Mukhi Ganesh Mala 108+1 (Set Of 9)

INR 64,800 - 1,00,800

Product Code: DR235

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This divine set of 9 malas of 8 mukhi Rudraksha beads (108+1 beads) is a divine treasure to give to your dear ones. The button shape and uniform size of the beads makes it comfortable to use the mala while wearing and chanting mantras. An Eight Mukhi Rudraksha bead is ruled by Lord Ganesha and planet Ketu who helps to achieve stability in life and strength to overcome all hurdles. Wearing or doing japa on this mala gradually minimises the malefic effects of Ketu. It helps destroy evils and brings success in all undertakings. It also blesses the wearer with knowledge, enhanced wisdom and ability to clear away hurdles in life. 


  • For removal of obstacles and achieving success in all undertakings
  • For intellect and gaining of higher levels of knowledge and willpower
  • Improves focus and brings grounding, stability and luck in all endeavours
  • Gives willpower, stability and success to the wearer

Therapeutic benefits: Helps elevate ailments of legs and bones and improves functioning of musculoskeletal system. Gives relief from arthritis and helps reduce obesity. 

Ruling deity: Ganesh 
Ruling planet: Ketu 

Beej Mantra: Om Hum Namah 
Planet Mantra: Om Hreem Ketve Namaha 
Deity Mantra: Om Ganeshaya Namah 

Mala strung according to Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy



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