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Purnima And Amavasya In 2024 | Full Moon & New Moon Day

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About Purnima and Amavasya

What is Amavasya?

Amavasya is New Moon night when the night is very dark. It is the night when the moon is not fully visible. It refers to the first new moon night of the first quarter of the lunar month. As per Hinduism, the energies of ignorance (Tamas) are on their peak on Amavasya. Hence any auspicious or new activity should not be done on this night. Only the Amavasya on Diwali is considered auspicious as it represents the victory of good over evil. Many practitioners of tantra, occult, black magic perform elaborate rituals. It is recommended to clean your house to invite Goddess Laxmi. It is also considered important to remember our ancestors and pay homage to them on Amavasya.

What is Purnima?

What is Purnima?

Purnima denotes a full moon day, which divides the month into two equal lunar fortnights called as Paksha. Full moon also known as Purnima is the fifteenth day of the lunar cycle as the moon reaches the final stage of the Shukla Paksha (waxing period). It is considered very auspicious to start any work, business, etc. The fortnight before Purnima is known as Shukla Paksha and the fortnight after is called Krishna Paksha. On Purnima, many important festivals such as Guru Purnima, Kartik Purnima, Buddha Purnima etc. across India. On this day, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are worshipped. It is an ideal day to fast for the entire day. The fortnight before Purnima is known as Shukla Paksha and fortnight after is called Krishna Paksha. Many important festivals such as Guru Purnima, Kartik Purnima, Buddha Purnima across India. The location of the moon exerts a different magnetic pull on this day. It results in a natural upsurge of upward movement in the body. Purnima is ideal for worship of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi to gain their blessings for a prosperous life.

Waxing and Waning of the moon (Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha)

Waxing and Waning of the moon (Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha)

A waxing moon is a phase between the new moon and the full moon when the visible area on the moon increases day by day. A waning moon is a phase between the full Moon & new Moon phase in which the visible surface area of the moon gets smaller. Paksha signifies fortnight of the waxing or waning of the moon. Shukla Paksha or Gaura Paksha is the period between new and the full moon (Waxing Phase) which lasts for a fortnight (14 days). Krishna Paksha is the period between the full moon and the new moon (Waning Phase) which lasts of a fortnight. Shukla and Krishna Paksha calculations are done according to the size of the moon. On Amavasya nights, the energies are roguish, while Purnima nights have a subdued quality which is more subtle and pleasant. The very next day after the new moon, the moon starts rising and the dark night starts shining in the light of the moon. Since Moon loses light during Krishna Paksha generally it is considered inauspicious whereas in Shukla Paksha Moon gains light hence it is considered auspicious. These Lunar cycle calculations are used by astrologers and pandits to calculate auspicious dates for marriage, date for buying house/car/assets and naming ceremonies. Som considered the period from 10th day of Shukla Paksha to the 5th day of Krishna Paksha as very auspicious. However, it is advised to consult a qualified individual for these date calculations.

Story of Purnima and Amavasya as per Hinduism (Waxing and Waning of the Moon)