Sri Dattatreya Jayanti or Datta Jayanti is commemorated on the Purnima day of the Margashirsha month. Shri Dattatreya is known to steer the worshippers to live a thriving and ideal life. Venerating Shri Datta helps the souls of ancestors of family members to offer momentum on their voyage after death to attain Moksha or Reincarnation. It is believed that the three heads of Shri Dattatreya are known to stand for tranquility, harmony and success.
Who Is Lord Dattatreya

Shri Dattatreya is believed to be a divine form of a deity and a Guru. This is why he is also renowned as Shri Gurudevdutt amongst his ardent worshippers. Guru Dattatreya was believed to be a divinity for both Nathpanth and Sufi Sects and they venerated him with utmost devotion. In the Vaishnava-Shaiva sect as well, he was referred to as Guruswami, Gururaj and Gurudevji. He is also renowned as the Guru of the Gurus. The root of the idea of social equality and fraternity was initiated by Shri Dattatreya.
According to Shrimad Bhagavata scriptures, Dattatreya acquired wisdom and insight from 24 Gurus and the Datta sect materialized in the name of Shri Dutt. As per a religious survey, there are numerous shrines in South India that are devoted to him. All the desires of devotees are fulfilled by conducting puja on the auspicious occasion of Purnima in Margashirsha month for worshipping Shri Dattatreya. This sacred day is celebrated as Dattatreya Jayanti.
A couple of Hindu texts also believe that he is the reincarnation of Shri Vishnu. It is also said that in the previous eras, the carnage of demonic forces rose significantly hence Shri Dattatreya incarnated in various forms and annihilated the Asuras. On Dattatreya Jayanti, Shri Datta’s principle is 1000 times more dynamic on Earth as opposed to any other day. By revering Shri Dattatreya with utmost sincerity and dedication, worshippers can gain a lot of benefit from the Datta principle. It is assumed that the occasion of Shri Dattatreya Jayanti can alleviate the major issues of life and eliminate the hurdles from the path of success of a human being.
When is Dattatreya Jayanti? Datta Jayanti Date, Time, Muhurat & Tithi
Dattatreya Jayanti on Thursday, December 4, 2025
Purnima Tithi Begins - 08:37 on Dec 04, 2025
Purnima Tithi Ends - 28:43+ on Dec 04, 2025
Datta Jayanti Puja Vidhi

The worshippers wake up early to cleanse themselves in holy water and fast for the auspicious day. Flowers, incense sticks, lamps and sweets are presented during the puja ceremony. Devotees sing devotional songs and peruse them through devotional books such as Avadhuta Gita and Jivanmukta Gita.
During the course of the puja, worshippers need to apply sandalwood paste, vermillion and turmeric to the idol or image of the deity. It is also significant that after the puja starts, devotees need circumambulate (Pradakshina) 7 times around Shri Datta’s idol and offer prasad and aarti to everyone present in the puja. Reciting Datta Jayanti mantras such as
‘Sree Guru dattatreyaya namah’ or ‘Om Shri Gurudev Datta’
‘Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta’
are great for purity for the mind as well as the soul. They also take time out to read Datta Mahatmya, Datta Prabodh and Guru Charitra and sing Bhajans for all the five days when this festival is commemorated.
Datta Jayanti is observed with grand pomp and fanfare in temples. The temples devoted to Dattatreya are decorated all over India such as Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. Temples such as Manik Prabhu have a 7 days festival devoted to Shri Datta and a lot of celebrations occur from Ekadashi to Purnima. Moreover, seven days prior to Dattatreya Jayanti, recitation of the Shri Gurucharitra is a vital traditional ritual that begins the festival.
Datta Jayanti Fast

The Dattatreya fasting ritual is an important ritual for followers of Shri Dattatreya, the Trimurti incarnation of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. During this fast, devotees often avoid grains and cooked meals in favor of fruits, milk, and other sattvic (clean) foods to preserve physical and mental purity.
Tamsic foods, such as meat, onions, and garlic, are rigorously avoided to maintain spiritual concentration.
However, devoted Dattatreya followers take the fast a step farther, practicing Nirjala Vrat, which means fasting without eating or drinking for the full day.
This severe kind of fasting is said to increase devotion and invoke the benefits of Dattatreya, who is venerated for bestowing spiritual enlightenment, protection, and escape from earthly attachments.
Benefits of worshipping Dattatreya on Dattatreya Jayanti:

This auspicious occasion is believed to offer worshippers the power of concentration and enhance their capability of learning new things. A sense of dedication and commitment is developed in people, and they can thrive and flourish in their life.
Devotees used to surrender themselves before Shri Dattatreya, who is considered omnipresent. He offers people strength and enhances their intellect. He is believed to destroy the ego and thus it is said that the individual begin behaving with compassion, love and care for everybody.
According to the Dattatreya Upanishad, the devotees who keep fast and perform Datta Jayanti puja on the eve of Dattatreya Jayanti are granted numerous blessings and benefits.
The devotees will have their material and wealth wishes fulfilled. Supreme knowledge and achievement of life’s objectives and goals will be achieved. The worshippers will be free of anxiety and unknown fear.
Shri Dattatreya will help you in eliminating malefic planetary afflictions. The deity will aid you in removing all mental sufferings and any ancestral issues. Worshipping Shri Datta assists in attaining righteous paths in life.
You will be able to free your soul from all the karmic bonds. The devotees will be able to develop a liking towards cultivating their spirituality.
History of Dattatreya Jayanti (Dattatreya Story)
Shri Dattatreya was the son of Anasuya and Sage Atri. Anasuya was believed to be a quintessential chaste and pious wife. She performed rigorous austerities to give birth to a son who is equal in merits to Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiva, the holy Trimurti.
Once Narada Muni visited heaven to meet Shri Shiva, Shri Vishnu and Shri Brahma. But he was unable to visit the holy trinity. Instead, he met their respective consorts – Goddess Parvati, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati. To get them to lose their pride, Narad Muni told the three wives that he has traveled around the world, but he has not met a righteous and honorable wife, a woman of modesty and virtue such as Anasuya, the spouse of Atri Rishi. He also said that the three consorts of Trimurti were behind them in being staunch followers of the sacred religion. Hearing this, their ego was bruised, and they became jealous.
After Narad Muni left, the three Goddesses implored their respective husbands to annihilate the Sati Dharma of Anasuya. At the same time, the Tridev arrived at the abode of Atri Muni. All three Gods had the same intention. They wanted to test the virtuousness of Anasuya. They hatched a plan together where the three deities disguised themselves as sages and begged for alms from Anasuya. They conveyed their wish to eat. Since Anasuya believed hospitality to be her religion, she asked them to have a bath & then consume the meal she had prepared for them
After bathing the 3 Deities returned, Anasuya requested them to take a seat. The three Gods told her that they can take a seat only when she feeds them in their natural state – without clothes. To this, Anasuya began uttering a sacred mantra and sprinkled water on the three mendicants, thereby transforming them into babies. She fed them as they had desired.
Anasuya recounted the tale to Sage Atri. He embraced the three babies, turning them into a single infant with three heads and six arms. As Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva did not come back, their respective wives got worried and concerned. The Goddesses begged for forgiveness from Anasuya and asked for their spouses to be returned to them. Then, the Trinity materialized in their true avatar and bestowed Atri and Anasuya with a son named Dattatreya. He is believed to be an incarnation of Shri Vishnu, while his siblings – the moon-God Chandra and the Sage Durvasa are believed to be forms of Shri Brahma and Shri Shiva respectively. Datta Jayanti is celebrated to commemorate and honor Shri Dattatreya on his birth anniversary.
Shri Datta Jayanti Significance

It is thought that Shri Dattatreya has the same powers that the Holy Trinity has. He alleviates major issues of life and eliminates obstacles. The worshippers are bestowed with the powers of the Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva and the will to attain success in life. The six hands of Shri Dattatreya carried Shankha, Chakra, Gada, Trishul, Kamandal and a begging bowl.
The three-headed deity is celebrated with grand pomp and fervor on Datta Jayanti in numerous temples in many states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. On this day, the temples are adorned, and devotees sing devotional songs devoted to Shri Dattatreya. They also wake up early to cleanse themselves and after this, they conduct puja at home or pay a visit to the temple to venerate Shri Dattatreya.
It is believed that worshippers pray to Shri Dattatreya on this auspicious occasion with utmost sincerity and commitment, so all their wishes are fulfilled. There are several temples devoted to Shri Dattatreya, particularly in Southern India. He is also a well-known deity in Maharashtra as well.
Associated Products & Services
Trijuti Rudraksha

Trijuti Rudraksha represents the Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva in the form of 3 Naturally Cojoined Beads. It is the best Rudraksha for Dattatreya Jayanti
11 Mukhi Rudraksha

Dattatreya is known as the Guru of the Gurus & 11 Mukhi awakens the Upa Guru and blesses devotees with Intellect, Memory, Problem Solving Skills & connects one to his inner Wisdom
Dattretya Yantra

Dattretya Yantra is the geometrical form of Bhagwan Dattatreya & embodies his energies. It can be installed in your Home, Office or Dwelling to improve Vastu.
Dattatreya Puja & Yagna

On the occasion of Dattreya Jayanti one can perform Dattreya Puja & Yagna from Rudra Centre Puja Services Team. The entire Puja will be performed as per Vedic Vidhi by our team of Karma Kandi Pandits. You can watch all rituals LIVE on Video Call
Santosh Sutar
|December 26, 2023
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