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Identify Original Rudraksha

4 Comments26 min Read


As the first ISO 9001:2015 certified Rudraksha organisation in the world, we always strive hard to educate our customers about the best quality of Rudraksha and how it works. Through our articles, we try and spread as much knowledge as we can about Rudrakshas, Chakras, Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) and so on.

In our previous article named “ Everything about Rudraksha Beads ,” we imparted knowledge about the origin, benefits and religious mentions, healing significance and how the Rudraksha plant is grown. Apart from this, we also covered topics like ‘where we get original Rudraksha’, ‘FAQs’ and so on.

Today, through this article, we will be shedding light on the most crucial and important topics, which include the identification of original Rudraksha, selection of Rudraksha, checking the purity of Rudraksha and generic information about the fake Rudrakshas. The purpose of presenting this topic is to inform you all about the fake Rudrakshas and to create awareness instead of generating fear in you all.



Real Rudrakshas ranging from 2 Mukhi to 14 Mukhi are easily available in the market. The one Mukhi round-shaped Rudraksha is FAKE as the shape of one Mukhi can never be round. However, many unscrupulous suppliers sell fake Rudraksha beads under the name of round 1 Mukhi Rudraksha , which is made from 5 Mukhi beads, betel nuts, areca nuts or berries.

One Mukhi half-moon (Kaju Dana) is popularly sold as Nepali One Mukhi Rudraksha however, this bead is Bhadraksha which is a different species and is not Rudraksha. It doesn’t have a natural hole, doesn’t grow in Nepal but in India and, as per Rudra Centre’s research, has no healing benefit. These Half Moon Bhadraksha and Gol/ round one Mukhi are popularly sold at famous temple towns, websites, and stores at various price ranges duping the devotees by taking advantage of their lack of awareness.

The actual shape of the Rudraksha depends on the Mukhi lines, which decide the number of seeds and compartments inside the bead, which determines the shape. So a four Mukhi Rudraksha will have 4 seeds and compartments and, from the top view, will look squarish, a 5 Mukhi will have 5 seeds and compartments and will look pentagonal, 3 Mukhi will have 3 seeds and compartments and will look triangular. By this logic, one Mukhi will have one seed and compartment and will be Half elliptical in shape.

Nepali one Mukhi Rudraksha is so rare that a generation of farmers has not seen it, Rudra Centre advises all not to go looking for this bead as it is so rare that you may end up with a fake/manipulated bead, instead one should go for Ek Mukhi from java/Indonesia which is relatively easier to find and equally powerful. Many of our clients have been wearing One Mukhi from java and have experienced miraculous results.

What are the other FAKE Rudraksha being circulated?

Rudrakshas having carvings of Trishul, Lingam, Serpent, and Om are fake Rudrakshas, and a genuine Rudraksha does not have any of these markings. The business of offering fake Rudrakshas has become common in the present scenario, under the name of God and by creating fear of planet Mahadasha, people are looted by the suppliers who offer fake Rudrakshas. To make the Rudraksha appear authentic and natural, a false stem is attached to it. Rudraksha beads ranging from 2 Mukhi up to 7 Mukhi are easily available in the market. However, a few suppliers carve extra Mukhis into these beads and sell them off as a higher Mukhi Rudraksha with the greed to earn more money. Also, sometimes the demand for a few higher Mukhi Rudraksha increases during this time too to mint money few unscrupulous suppliers carve extra Mukhis in the lower Mukhi Rudraksha beads and sell them at a higher price. A lot of times, lower Mukhi beads are glued together to imitate Rare Gaurishankars, Savars, and Trijutis, which are of much higher value Many long-time suppliers in Nepal and India deal in counterfeit Beads as part of their normal trade, and this is simply a part of the business.

Rudrakshas are sourced from two places, namely Nepal and Java. Hence, the Rudrakshas that originate from Nepal is known as Nepal Rudrakshas and the ones sourced from Java, Indonesia, are known as Java Rudraksha beads. The Nepal Rudrakshas have big in size, and have deep dark Mukhis that run from the top of the bead to the end of the bead whereas, the Rudraksha beads from Java are smaller in size, and their Mukhis are light but run from the head to tail of the Rudraksha. Few sellers sell the Java beads as Nepal Rudraksha beads at the rates of the Nepal Rudraksha beads, which is unfair as the price of Java beads is much lower than Nepali beads. Hence we advise all to source beads from a trusted supplier only, like Rudra Centre.


An original Rudraksha is very easily identified by an experienced eye. If you are planning to purchase a Rudraksha for the first time, it is advisable to purchase it from a renowned and genuine source. Let us now understand how to check the original Rudraksha.

X-ray Test

The X-Ray test is the only conclusive test to identify an original Rudraksha. It is the only test where you can know whether the Rudraksha is original, fake or manipulated. A real Rudraksha has the same amount of compartments as the Mukhis, and each compartment has a bead in it. An X-Ray thus helps to find out whether the Rudraksha contains equal compartments as the Mukhi or not

Understand, a Rudraksha bead must have an equal number of compartments as the Mukhis on its surface, and it must also have a bead in each compartment. Still, at times the Rudraksha is not fully developed, and all the seeds might not be visible in an X-Ray due to the seeds being too thin, but the compartments would still be there. For example, if you take an X-Ray of a 15 Mukhi Rudraksha, the real bead would have 15 compartments and 15 seeds, but if the Rudraksha seed is not developed completely, then it will show 15 compartments but might not clearly capture all the beads as some beads may be too thin. Hence it is advisable to take the X-ray to an “expert” who can guide you further.

Copper Coin Test

In the Copper coin test, a Rudraksha bead is placed between two copper coins, and it is said that if the Rudraksha is original, it will rotate. However, this is not true. This test does not yield accurate results, and one cannot rely on this test. This test is thus a fake.

Milk Test

In the Milk test, the Rudraksha is soaked in a glass full of milk, and a few fake suppliers claim that the milk in which the Rudraksha bead is soaked remains fresh and does not curdle or does not spoil for 2 to 3 days. This test is absolutely fake and does not give any authentic results.

Water Test

There are three types of water tests, in one test, the Rudraksha is soaked in a glass full of water for a few hours. After a few hours, the bead is removed from the water, if the Rudraksha is original, it would still be hard, and would have uniform Mukhi colours from top to bottom, and this test always showcases if the bead has tiny holes in it or not.

Note: This is a fake test, and we do not recommend any of you to try this test.

In the second water test, the Rudraksha bead is dropped in the water if the bead sink is believed to be an original bead. However, a fake Rudraksha made out of wood and impregnated with lead will sink in water, thereby giving a false impression of a real Rudraksha.

Real Rudraksha beads that are fresh float in water due to less density. Over time as they absorb moisture and oil, they start sinking.

Thus, this method of testing is inappropriate and does not give any accurate results

Similarly, in the third test, we check whether the higher Mukhi beads ( Gaurishankar Rudraksha or a Trijuti) are made by artificially joining two or three Rudraksha with the help of glue etc. Also, Counterfeit round 1 Mukhi is sold in both India and Indonesia. Small pieces of Rudraksha are glued on four lines of a five Mukhi Rudraksha bead thus leaving only one deep line. Many suppliers join pieces of Rudrakshas and make them look like round one Mukhi or Gaurishankar and Trijuti . These beads are then sold at a much higher price. Once the Rudraksha is nicely soaked in water the hidden lines show up as the glue softens. In case of doubt, such Rudraksha should be soaked in water for 15-18 hours. It is thus said that by the water test we can find out whether the Trijuti Rudraksha or the Gaurishankar or the bead of higher Mukhi is made to appear as one Mukhi by applying glue on it. It is believed that this test shows whether a Rudraksha fakes the joint or is natural and genuine. But this test needs to be more accurate and precise.

Check if the Mukhis run from the head of the Rudraksha to the tail without being cut or distorted in between
Look if the colour of the Mukhis is the same as they run from top to bottom
Use a magnifying glass to examine the artificially carved lines (which are generally very sharp) and glued surfaces on the bead.
One Mukhi round Rudraksha is not found. Also, the shape of one Mukhi is not round.
One can even cut the Rudraksha bead horizontally. If the Rudraksha has the same number of compartments as that of the number of lines, then the Rudraksha is genuine. However, the drawback is that by this method, the bead, if real would be destroyed and would be of no use
Thus, the only authentic test to know whether a Rudraksha is real or not is through the X-Ray test. The rest of the tests, like the water test and the revolving Rudraksha between two coins, the milk test and so on, are not dependable parameters for testing. Also, these tests cannot accurately report or help us recognise real vs fake Rudraksha as an unripe but genuine Rudraksha may float on the water, and fake Rudraksha ones made out of wood impregnated with lead or by tampering an original Rudraksha may sink. Thus, rather than being worried about ‘how to find Original Rudraksha’ and worried about the Rudraksha authenticity, one must purchase the Rudraksha beads from a genuine supplier who is accountable to the people, and who would accept returns.


There is a huge market that deals in manipulated Rudraksha beads and fake beads. Beads from Nepal and Java are both manipulated to trick the end-user into buying them at higher rates, thinking it is a Rudraksha bead of higher Mukhi or a rare Rudraksha, namely the one Mukhi round Rudraksha. Purchasing a Rudraksha is like buying Gemstones, where customers buy from a trusted supplier only. In case, if the buyer does not have the required Rudraksha, the buyer can seek the help of the existing genuine supplier to get the desired Rudraksha bead from another trusted and genuine supplier.

There are several traders who sell artificial Rudrakshas and fool people. In the olden days, too, people used to trade artificial Rudrakshas, which were made using wood, nuts or wild berry seeds. However, this technique is no longer used as the end customer today has become aware of the malpractices.

In today’s times, many vendors sell the lower Mukhi Rudraksha beads as higher Mukhi Rudraksha beads by carving additional lines in the Rudraksha beads of lower Mukhi.

To learn how to know the original Rudraksha or how to identify fake Rudraksha, or how to test Rudraksha at home, one must purchase the Rudraksha from trusted suppliers and get them tested and certified then and there. There are different ways in which the Rudrakshas are manipulated.

Carving Extra Lines over the Rudraksha

Many suppliers carve extra lines on a Rudraksha bead of a lower Mukhi Rudraksha to sell it as a Rudraksha of a higher Mukhi. For example, a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha, which costs up to 7000/- approximately, is converted into a 20 Mukhi Rudraksha by carving extra lines and is sold in lakhs of rupees and people are buying these manipulated Rudraksha beads due to less or no knowledge about them. Note: A manipulated Rudraksha does not have any power as it tampers. Also, only an expert can differentiate between a real and a fake Rudraksha. You might as well get an X-Ray of the Rudraksha, but you still need to show this X-Ray to an expert to know of its authenticity.

Glueing or sticking Beads together to create manipulated Rudraksha beads

Rudraksha beads of lower Mukhis are stuck together to create manipulated Gaurishankar Rudraksha or Trijuti. Some dealers also offer a certificate of authenticity for these fake beads. Hence you need to get the Rudrakshas tested by an expert for its authenticity.

Making fake beads like round One Mukhi & carving holy symbols on the Rudraksha

The business of supplying round one Mukhi Rudraksha, which does not exist, has flourished and has an established market. In this process, four Mukhi or five Mukhi Rudraksha beads which are abundantly available in the market are used. In this, small pieces of Rudraksha are intricately glued to the four Mukhis of the five Mukhi Rudraksha, leaving just one prominent visible Mukhi. As the rest of the Mukhis are hidden under the glued surface, the manipulated 5 Mukhi Rudraksha looks like round one Mukhi Rudraksha.

Carving Holy symbols like an ‘Om’, ‘Trishul’, and ‘snake’ is yet another market of manipulated Rudraksha beads. Due to less knowledge and blind devotion, a devotee falls prey to these manipulated beads. The suppliers, without any hesitation, sell these beads to people and earn money from them. Note, a Rudraksha bead which is tampered with does not show any effect.


X-ray Test

As mentioned above, there is only one test that helps to determine whether a Rudraksha bead is original or not, and that is an X-Ray test. Though the X-Ray is an authentic test, you still need to consult the expert to verify the bead. The reason we are emphasizing upon taking an expert opinion even after an X-Ray test is because of the following reason.

There is no central or Government lab in the entire world that does Rudraksha testing. There are private companies that do the X-Ray of the Rudraksha beads. Most of these companies do the X-Ray of the Rudraksha beads but do not study whether the Rudraksha is authentic or not. These companies, in the quest to sell the Rudrakshas, have even sold manipulated beads along with their X-Rays without scrutinizing the beads and offering accurate results. Hence, it is advisable to take expert advice even after you get the Rudraksha bead tested.

Looking at the undying demand for Rudraksha beads today, people are coming up with private laboratories without proper knowledge and claiming to offer accurate tests of the Rudraksha beads and issue certificates. As we stated above, one Mukhi round Rudraksha is a myth as the shape of one Mukhi cannot be round. But these labs are still issuing a certificate of authenticity for the gol Ek Mukhi which is nothing but a manipulated Rudraksha. Also, the Kajudana variety of Rudraksha, which are the 1 Mukhi beads which are available in half-moon cashew shape, is not actually the Ek Mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal but from Sri Lanka and South India, and they are of the Bhadraksha variety and not Rudraksha. Rudra Centre does not recommend it for any healing therapy as it does not show the effects of a true 1 Mukhi. Hence, it is advised that you consult an expert to test and verify the bead even after you get it tested in the laboratory. Hence, even after getting an X-Ray done of the Rudraksha, you must consult an expert who is reliable and who has in-depth knowledge about the Rudraksha beads. The experts guide you and even examine the bead themselves and thus offer an accurate answer,


Rudraksha is a natural product and is available in many qualities from low, medium, and high to a collector. Given below are a few points you can keep in mind while selecting a Rudraksha bead


  • The Rudraksha bead should have a good weight
  • The Mukhi lines should be complete from the mouth to the tail of the Rudraksha
  • Check minutely whether the beads have cracks or fungus, if yes, do not purchase the Rudraksha


  • A buyer should avoid low-quality beads, which are lightweight and have broken surfaces
  • Avoid purchasing manipulated beads
  • Do not invest in Rudrakshas that have an extremely dry surface.
  • If a Rudraksha bead has tiny holes, do not buy it
  • Avoid purchasing any of the above-mentioned beads, as these beads rarely offer any effects. One should go for Rudrakshas, which are heavy, bright, lustrous, and emit positive vibrations.


We at Rudra Centre offer a wide range of authentic and original Rudrakshas, which are handpicked and lab tested for authenticity. We are the first ISO 9001:2015 certified Rudraksha organisation in the world. All the Rudraksha beads that we offer, be it Java or Nepal, are healthy, heavy, lustrous, and energised. Our in-house, highly trained sorting and selecting team ensures that we give our clients only the best of Rudraksha beads. There are several testing parameters on which the Rudraksha beads are tested at the Rudra Centre. We have well-learned and experienced experts who also check the Rudraksha beads and offer consultation to people who have queries regarding Rudrakshas. At Rudra Centre, the Rudraksha beads are stored in a cool dry place and at the desired temperature. At Rudra Centre, all the Rudrakshas are energised before dispatching to the clientele.

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    February 21, 2024

    Corresponding to my birth time and my Intentions I have thought to have braught one 1 face Rudraksha and one 3 face Rudraksha at Magh Mela Prayagraj, but now I think that both of them are Badhrakshas. I think for you this is easy to tecognize. May I send a photo?

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    November 27, 2023

    I want genuine natural untreated Nepali Rudraksha with X ray and certification. 1) 3 Mukhi 1 no, 2) 8 Mukhi 2 no. I want to wear all three in neck. So please suggest appropriate size for results.

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