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Why Do We Not Touch Papers Books And People With The Feet

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Why Do We Not Touch Papers Books And People With The Feet

Why do we not touch papers books, and people with our feet. To Indians, knowledge is sacred and divine. So it must be given respect at all times. Nowadays we separate subjects as sacred and secular. But in ancient India, every subject - academic or spiritual - was considered divine and taught by intelligent gurus in the gurukuls.

The custom of not stepping on educational tools is a frequent reminder of the high position accorded to knowledge in Indian culture. From an early age, this wisdom fosters in us a deep reverence for books and education. This is also the reason why we worship books, vehicles and instruments once a year on Saraswathi Pooja or Ayudha Pooja day, dedicated to the Goddess of Learning. In fact, each day before starting our studies, we pray:

Saraswati namasthubhyam, Varade kaama roopini |
Vidyaarambham karishyaami, Sidhirbhavatu me sadaa ||

O Goddess Saraswati, the giver of Boons and fulfiller of wishes, I prostrate to You before starting my studies.

May you always bless me.

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