The Manipura Chakra, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is the third energy center in the human body and is vital for our well-being. Located between the navel and rib cage, this chakra is closely linked to the element of fire, representing change, energy, and the strength of the sun. The Manipura Chakra serves as the center of our personal power, influencing our self-respect, self-power, and sense of self. It fuels our inner fire, driving our willpower, motivation, and potential to turn our desires into reality. The Manipura Chakra, when in balance, enables us to conquer obstacles, assert our individuality, and lead a life filled with purpose and clarity. On the other hand, if blocked it can result in feelings of victimization and lack of assertiveness. Balancing this chakra allows individuals to tap into their full power, transform their lives, and radiate inner strength to the world.
This article provides a clear description of the basics, symbolism, and significance of the Manipura (Solar plexus) Chakra, as well as the signs of an imbalanced Manipura chakra and the proven ways to restore its balance.
What is the Chakra System?

Ancient Vedic knowledge emphasizes the connection between physical, mental, and spiritual health, with energy centers in the body enabling these connections. These energy centers are known as chakras. In Sanskrit, the word 'chakra' means 'wheel' or 'disc’. Every chakra is like an energy spiral or an energy rhythm, which forms a fundamental role in the balance of the individual's entire energetic system. It is represented as beautiful flowers in circular motion.
The Chakra System, an ageless spiritual tradition, recognizes seven primary energy centers in the human body, situated along the spine. These chakras serve as pathways for the life force, or 'prana.' Each chakra connects its vibrational frequencies, colors, elements, and functions with specific energetic patterns that shape our life experiences, acting as an energetic compass guiding our path. Constant energy flows between the inner and outer worlds, influencing our energetic system through our chakras' condition and function. The extent to which these chakras are balanced impacts our overall quality of life.
Our mental state influences the flow of energy through the chakras. Struggles, worries, and incorrect beliefs can disrupt this flow of energy and lead to imbalanced chakras and their related organs in the body. Recognizing mental and emotional obstacles is crucial for balancing our chakras, healing related physical ailments, and improving our lives.
About Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra is located in the body as the third energy center, following the Muladhara and Manipura chakras. This chakra is associated with the element of fire and is considered the center of personal power. It influences our sense of identity, willpower, and ability to take charge of our lives. This chakra symbolizes the awakening and recognition of your inner strength – your capacity to impact others through your perspectives, acting, and guidance. The Manipura chakra is like a source of strength and determination, empowering individuals to be like warriors. They approach challenges with influential leadership, taking smart actions and maintaining a healthy balance of power. The Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra represents your conscious mind. This is the place you turn to for inspiration to achieve your life goals and assert yourself to earn the respect you deserve.
The Solar Plexus Chakra stores your judgments, opinions, and beliefs that you have accumulated throughout your life - about yourself and the world around you. This is where you absorb and assimilate the experiences of the world. This chakra gives the power to digest things physically, emotionally, and mentally. Indeed, this energy center governs your metabolism, and it is responsible for the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy throughout the body. An imbalance of the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra can lead to digestion issues, stomach problems, and ulcers. Weight problems may also be an indication that the body is not properly turning food into energy. You call upon this chakra’s energies when you want to garner self-discipline and follow through. Even the warmth in your personality comes from this chakra.
Location: Center of Belly Button.
Color: Yellow
Beej Mantra: RAM
Primary Focus: Life’s Purpose.
Right: To Act
Organs: Abdomen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine behind the solar plexus.
Endocrine Gland: Pancreas
Sense : Sight
Element: Fire
Manipura Chakra Meaning

The Manipura Chakra, also referred to as the Solar Plexus Chakra, gets its name from the Sanskrit term 'Manipura,' which translates to 'city of jewels' or “lustrous gem”. This chakra is positioned above the navel and serves as the focal point for personal power, self-esteem, and energy transformation. It represents the inner fire that motivates us to express ourselves, make choices, and accomplish our objectives. The Manipura Chakra nurtures our inner fire. It encompasses qualities such as strength, confidence, and determination. This chakra allows us to tap into our inner strength, conquer obstacles, and unleash our full potential.
The Solar Plexus Chakra has the largest concentration of Pranic energy because 72,000 Nadis (conduits of Pranic energy) meet here at this point and radiate from this energy center. The Manipura chakra has the same function for your body as the sun for the earth, it supplies you with the energy and fuel for all of your biological processes, mental processes, and earthly existence. Here is where your awareness turns inward, revealing your untapped skill sets.
Manipura Chakra Symbol

The Manipura Chakra is depicted by a shiny yellow ten-petaled lotus, each petal intricately engraved with Sanskrit letters (ḍa, ḍha, ṇa, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, and pha) representing the ten Vrittis, or qualities, representing human energy like joy, fear, and ignorance. These petals represent the chakra's many energies that affect our bodies and emotions. This vibrant yellow lotus symbolizes fire, which rules the Manipura Chakra, with a striking downward-pointing red triangle. The triangle represents this chakra's focused, converging energy, the connection between spirit and matter, and digestion and metabolism's literal transformation.
A solar symbol around the triangle symbolizes the chakra's connection to the sun and its life-giving energy, enlightening the mind and energizing the spirit. The lotus' yellow color symbolizes intellect, clarity, and boundless energy that fuels our drive and determination. This powerful symbol represents the Manipura Chakra as the central force of vitality, personal power, and the will to manifest one's true potential, helping us achieve our goals and overcome obstacles.
Manipura Chakra Deities & Planets

The Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra is connected to Bhagwan Ram and the Sun. Hindu tradition regards Bhagwan Ram as a descendant of the Sun Dynasty (Suryavanshi), fostering a deep connection with the Sun (Surya). He embodies the Sun's qualities of strength, righteousness, and unwavering moral clarity.
The Sun aligns with the Manipura Chakra, located in the solar plexus, which governs personal power, self-confidence, and the transformative fire within us. Meditating on Bhagwan Ram honors his divine connection to the Sun and activates the Manipura Chakra, fostering inner strength, self-discipline, courage, and the ability to illuminate one's path with determination and resilience.
Manipura Chakra Benefits

The Manipura Chakra plays a crucial role in developing our mental and emotional strength. The balanced energy of this cultivates exceptional clarity of thought and focus, facilitating decisive and confident decision-making. It fosters a strong sense of self-worth and personal empowerment, dispelling self-doubt and instilling a steadfast belief in our capabilities. When the Manipura Chakra is balanced, our willpower becomes strong. This helps us set and work towards ambitious goals, face challenges with determination, and take advantage of opportunities with a clear sense of purpose.
An optimally functioning Manipura Chakra has an important impact on our physical health and vitality, playing a crucial role in our overall well-being. A Manipura Chakra that is balanced strengthens the immune system and enhances digestion, thus helping to facilitate a swift recovery and preventing the onset of illness. This heightened vitality is evident in a boost in energy levels, enabling individuals to approach daily obstacles with strength and determination.
The Manipura Chakra has a significant impact on emotional balance and stability, bringing about transformation. It helps to process and transform negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and inadequacy replacing them with a heightened sense of positivity, energy, and inner peace. Building and maintaining healthy, respectful relationships is enhanced by our emotional equilibrium, which is rooted in empathy and shared understanding.
The Solar Plexus Chakra leads us to greater self-awareness and personal growth, helping us find our true purpose and live authentically. By harnessing its energy, we can unlock our potential to manifest our aspirations and navigate the challenges of life with purpose, clarity, and fulfillment.
Here are the benefits of a balanced Solar Plexus chakra:
Self-Confidence : Increases self-esteem and self-assurance.
Decision-Making : Encourages focus and clarity, which results in making better decisions.
Willpower: Enhances your resolve and capacity to achieve your purposes.
Digestive Health: Enhances metabolic function and digestive wellness.
Emotional Stability: Reduces frustration, and anger, which promote inner serenity.
Personal Power: Imparts the capacity to assert oneself and assume charge of the course of one's life.
Stress Management: Enhances mental resilience and the capacity to overcome obstacles.
Physical Vitality: Increases one's physical stamina and overall energy levels.
Spiritual Growth: Supports personal transformation, aligns with one's true purpose, and aids in self-discovery.
The Manipura Chakra houses personal power and transformation, guiding us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Aligning with our true purpose and making our deepest desires a reality is beneficial. When we balance this chakra, we gain access to an unlimited source of inner strength and wisdom. This enables us to live authentically and pursue our loftiest goals with unwavering determination.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the driving force behind our personal development, propelling us to achieve our full potential and radiate our unique brilliance to the world. A balanced Manipura Chakra enhances your life by developing creativity, deeper feelings, and stronger connections with yourself and others, resulting in a way more fulfilling and joyful life.
Core Lessons of Manipura Chakra

The teachings of the Manipura Chakra delve into personal empowerment, self-realization, and the potential for transformative growth. This chakra highlights the importance of cultivating inner strength and self-assurance, empowering us to wholeheartedly embrace and articulate our authentic selves with steadfast clarity. It emphasizes the significance of self-worth and making decisions that align with our genuine desires and goals. The Solar Plexus Chakra guides us to tap into our inner fire, turning obstacles into chances for personal development, and asserting our will with resolute determination. It emphasizes the significance of personal growth, inspiring us to surpass our boundaries and unleash our full capabilities. This allows us to navigate the complexities of life with lucidity and achieve our aspirations with focus. We can live in a genuine and honest manner.
Honoring Discipline
Discipline requires integrity and honesty. We have integrity when our thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment. Integrity ultimately comes when you are truly being yourself, walking, talking, and doing everything you do. Learning to discipline and train your body to obey your mind is key. An undisciplined life and lifestyle harm this chakra and lower your self-esteem. Honoring your commitment to others in action and words, as well as your time commitments, helps to build self-respect. One needs to learn to operate under a framework of discipline and honor the laws of your community, family, society, dharma, and country.
Example: Pay your taxes in accordance with the legal framework of discipline. This action, along with similar ones, will alleviate the fear of shame and disrespect. If you follow your dharma or do the right thing, power comes naturally. It should flow through you like the sun's infinite power.
Only a responsible person is promoted in a company and in the ladder of life. If given an opportunity to do a task for your family or for society, give your best to complete it, else show them the way to get it done. Do not shirk your hands off. This will enhance your self-respect and honor in the family. “Readiness for action” is an important feature for this chakra to remain balanced.
Honoring Independence
Independence requires responsibility for what you are and face in life. When you are independent, you express yourself and command respect for who you are in your relationships with others. In life, you are independent when you assume responsibility for your actions and inactions, your doings and wrongdoings, and everything else under your control. You are also responsible for your happiness and how you interact with your surroundings, whether positive or negative. Relying your needs and contentment on others means you are losing your power and becoming dependent on family, friends, your job, or any other person or situation you believe can provide the support you cannot provide for yourself. Because of this dependency, you may try to control that person or situation to your advantage. You do not allow for free will, neither in others nor in you. As a result, you begin to form attachments and expectations towards these individuals or situations, stemming from feelings of fear, grief, and frustration. Consequently, your self-power begins to wane, causing an overall imbalance in your finances, relationships, and other aspects of your life.
When we give too much worth to the opinion of others, we are unable to let go of the hurt that comes along with it. Pain and memories of victimization are also felt. When we seek approval from people, we send a cord of energy from our Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra to their ones. We literally transfer them our power. We are paralyzed by the fear of other people's disapproval. Our self becomes totally dependent on their smile or frown. We then give our power to them, wanting them to approve of our action. However, you ultimately lose all control over these individuals and situations. The only way out is to release these dependencies by becoming self-assertive, marking your limits, and daring to be different without worrying what others may or may not think of you.
Balanced & Imbalanced Manipura Chakra

A balanced Manipura Chakra serves as a source of personal energy and transformation, providing us with self-assurance and a clear sense of purpose. A well-balanced Manipura Chakra promotes digestive health and metabolic function, allowing our bodies to process nutrients efficiently and remain vital. It boosts the immune system and promotes the body's healing and regenerative abilities, reflecting the chakra's affinity for the fire element, which represents purification and renewal.
The Manipura Chakra improves mental clarity, focus, and determination, allowing us to make confident decisions and assert our willpower while pursuing our goals. It fosters a strong sense of self-worth and esteem, allowing us to overcome self-doubt, insecurity, and fear of failure. Because it closely relates to our ability to assert our identity and express our true selves, this chakra encourages independence and the willingness to take risks.
When the Manipura chakra is balanced promotes a sense of calm and strength, allowing us to gracefully overcome life's challenges. It is possible to process and release negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and resentment while replacing them with positivity, enthusiasm, and a zest for life. The solar plexus chakra also enhances our ability to connect with others, fostering healthy and productive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
Imbalanced Manipura Chakra
Individuals with an imbalanced Manipura Chakra frequently experience co-dependency problems across all aspects of their lives. Physical, mental, emotional, and social. This leads to a victim mentality, and you will feel dependent on some people and responsible for others. One may feel tired, powerless, weak, afraid, shaky, quiet, or withdrawn. There is a fear of taking risks, confronting people or issues, taking charge, and, with all this, a lack of energy. There may be too much seriousness and not enough laughter, ease, or fun, all of which help the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra open and relax.
When blocked, you feel the opposite of bright and generous, with feelings of jealousy and greed, attempting to grip rather than to give. When Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra is out of balance, we have a tendency to live life like a punching bag doll, with our emotions being a constant reaction to what other people do and don't do, say or don't say. We find it difficult to be assertive and make decisions, too often relying on the opinions of others. We regularly attract those who tell us what we 'should' do and find ourselves in relationships where we play the passive role to a dominant partner.
Overactive Manipura Chakra
Aggression and an insatiable desire for control may be indicative of an overactive Solar Plexus chakra. Some individuals may experience difficulty managing their anger, as they exhibit an inclination for judgment and a superior demeanor. A strong desire for control, dominance, and perfectionism can result from excessive stimulation of this chakra, which in turn leads to extreme exhaustion. Aggressive behavior, irritability, and an unrelenting search of success are frequently the result of this excessive energy, which is driven by a strong desire to assert power. Striving to regulate the actions and emotions of others and external circumstances can lead to a toxic environment that is characterized by fear and resentment, as well as strained relationships. Individuals with an overactive Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra may demonstrate workaholic tendencies and a preference for governing through fear and intimidation. They frequently exhibit an authoritative attitude and a strong desire to maintain control in a variety of circumstances. They prefer to maintain control by employing intimidation tactics and instilling fear. Their anger appears to be difficult to manage, and they may appear to be judgmental and superior. The internal turmoil that can result from an overactive Manipura Chakra is indicative of chronic digestive disorders, ulcers, and imbalances in the liver and pancreas.
Underactive Manipura Chakra
An underactive Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra indicates a lack of energy and willpower to complete tasks and create your own path. With your externally-oriented motor off and sluggish, you feel disconnected from your life purpose or dharma. This lowers your drive to move forward in life and makes you feel emotionally exhausted by external circumstances that a balanced Manipura could handle without much effort. Experiencing an underactive Solar Plexus chakra can lead to energy-draining and overwhelming emotions like helplessness and shame. Willpower and a clear understanding of your goals and life purpose are linked to this chakra. Underactive Solar Plexus chakra energy makes it hard to make confident decisions. Disconnecting from your inner strength causes powerlessness and fear. Lower vibratory states can quickly cause worry, suspicion, overwhelm, fatigue, and melancholy. Exhaustion and lethargy persist. Irradiating your weak inner flame outside reinforces your low self-worth and lack of motivation and self-trust. Others see your weakness, inability, and impotence. If the external social input is negative enough, you may give up and live in the shadows. When we struggle to stand up for ourselves, we tend to rely too much on others' opinions as if they're more valuable. We also become dependent on others and blame them for our misfortunes.
Signs that your Manipura Chakra is Imbalanced

An imbalanced Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra can cause emotional issues, such as excessive concern about how others perceive you or what others think about you. Some people may struggle to maintain a healthy sense of self-esteem, constantly seeking validation and approval from those around them. The blockage of this chakra can cause digestive system disorders such as chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia and bulimia, gastric or duodenal ulcers, GERD, colon or intestinal problems, and cancer of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.
Indigestion problems
Stomach issues
Chronic Fatigue
Liver Cirrhosis
Gastric ulcers
Duodenal ulcers
Intestine issues
Pancreas problems
Weight issues
Underactive Manipura Chakra:
Feeling unworthy.
Low self-esteem.
Having difficulty making decisions.
Lack of motivation.
Lack of trust in oneself.
Sense of hopelessness.
Overactive Manipura Chakra:
Persistent anxiety.
Obsessive urge to control everything.
Angry outbursts arise frequently.
Constantly looking for validation from others.
An overwhelming fear of rejection by others.
Career & Social
Underactive Manipura Chakra:
Struggling with being assertive.
Having difficulty articulating your thoughts or advocating for yourself.
Missing out on new opportunities due to fear of failure.
Prioritizing the needs of others over your own ones.
Avoiding confrontations and difficult conversations.
Avoiding social interactions due to fear or insecurity.
Overactive Manipura Chakra:
Working excessively to prove your value or put forth authority.
Enforcing excessive control over someone else's work or actions.
Feeling trapped in your career with no clear possibilities for progress.
A strong drive to outperform others, leading to strained relationships.
Despite achieving clear success, feelings of inadequacy persist.
Underactive Manipura Chakra:
Uncertainty about your life's purpose.
Low interest or engagement in spiritual practices or growth.
Questioning the reliability of your inner guidance or intuition.
Lack of spontaneous acceptance.
Overactive Manipura Chakra:
Excessive attachment to the ego, resulting in self-absorption.
Overemphasizing material wealth and status.
Always experiencing a sense of restlessness or unease.
Using spirituality as a means of evading personal issues.
Excessive control over every aspect of your life.
How to balance Manipura Chakra?

Chakra balance is best achieved when we align to the lessons of the chakra and start to actively apply these lessons in our daily lives. Other methods include breathing exercises, mantra chanting, meditation and visualization techniques, aromatherapy and sound therapy, energy healing techniques like reiki, yoga practice, diet (foods and drinks) adjustment, and the use of Rudraksha and gemstones.
Align to the Lessons of Manipura Chakra
Cultivating a balanced sense of personal power, self-worth, and inner strength aligns with the lessons of the Manipura chakra. Embrace self-discipline and take responsibility for your actions, while avoiding the pitfalls of perfectionism and excessive control. Developing self-confidence by being aware of yourself and showing kindness to yourself empowers you to set boundaries and be authentic without worrying about being rejected or failing. It's important to find a balance between ambition and humility, recognizing that genuine strength comes from within and is most effectively demonstrated through genuine, empowered actions rather than through force or control. By cultivating purpose and aligning actions with core values, the transformative energy of the Manipura chakra can be harnessed, resulting in personal fulfillment and spiritual growth.
Personal One-on-One Counseling
One-on-one Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) counseling sessions combine the ancient knowledge of Rudraksha beads and gemstones with a deep understanding of energy science and human psychology. This is done by carefully identifying and reflecting on the root cause of the chakra imbalance, rather than the external symptoms. RRCT counseling identifies subconscious patterns deeply ingrained in our behavior, such as fears, old habits, experiences, beliefs, and other factors that are restricting our energy centers and limiting our lives by causing these vital energy centers to malfunction. The counselor then tailors specific Rudraksha combinations and gemstones to your unique needs, which you wear on your body to facilitate continuous energy alignment. This comprehensive method not only promotes physical and emotional well-being but also supports spiritual growth, leading to a more balanced, fulfilled, and empowered life.
Wear Rudraksha & Gems as per RRCT

According to Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRCT), you wear specific combinations of sacred Rudrakshas and Vedic gemstones that give your solar plexus (Manipura) chakra the necessary frequency and color to balance it. Rudraksha beads and gemstones help balance the chakras by emitting resonance frequencies that align with the energy centers. Each Rudraksha bead and gemstone is connected to specific chakras, seamlessly balancing the energy flow in these centers. When worn, they positively impact imbalanced chakras, gradually clearing disruptions and restoring harmony. RRCT is highly effective because it carefully matches Rudraksha and gemstone combinations to each individual's specific energetic needs. This ensures a focused approach to chakra healing and personal growth.
Yoga, Mantra & Mudra Meditation
Yoga poses like Navasana, Ustrasana, Dhanurasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, and Kumbhakasana are all powerful asanas to strengthen the core, open the chest and abdomen, and stretch the front body. By practicing these poses, you can strengthen and balance the Manipura Chakra, promoting confidence, courage, and a clear sense of purpose.
Beej Mantra
'Ram' (रं): Chanting 'Ram' helps to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Vedic Mantra
'Om Hreem Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namah' (ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः)
Bhagwan Ram Mantra:
'Om Sri Ramaya Namah' (ॐ श्री रामाय नमः)
Sun (Surya) Mantra:
'Om Suryaya Namah' (ॐ सूर्याय नमः)
Mudras (hand gestures) assist in channeling energy flow within the body. The Rudra Mudra is highly effective in balancing the Manipura Chakra.
Here is how to perform Rudra Mudra Meditation:
1. Sit with a straight spine, either in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or on a chair, and relax your shoulders.
2. Position your hands on your thighs or knees, palms facing upward. Place the tips of your thumb, index finger, and ring finger together on both hands, while keeping the middle and little fingers extended.
3. Close your eyes and direct your attention to your solar plexus, located just above your navel. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. Imagine a vivid, radiant golden-yellow light in this space, growing larger with every breath.
4. Maintain this mudra for 5 to 15 minutes during your meditation or breathing exercises, letting the energy of the Manipura Chakra to balance and fortify.
Chakra Vedic Mantra Playlist:
Manipura Chakra Yantra

The Manipura Chakra Yantra blesses the wearer with plentiful energy, presence, and success. It gives radiance, luster, brilliance, youthfulness, and vigor. It empowers one to be fearless, powerful, and prepared to use their knowledge to take action. It enhances personal discipline, promotes righteous and moral actions, and empowers the individual to take action using their full physical, mental, and emotional strength. It invigorates and irradiates sunny confidence, enabling the person to become optimistic and shine in all aspects of life, garnering admiration and respect from others. The Manipura Chakra Yantra is a potent yantra for achieving goals with inner determination, energy, bravery, and natural leadership. This is a revitalizing yantra that awakens the power of spiritual fire for personal transformation and material fulfillment.
Manipura Chakra Puja

The main Deity of the Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra Balancing Puja is Bhagwan Vishnu, who is revered as the preserver and protector of the Universe. Bhagwan Vishnu is part of the Divine Trinity, along with Bhagwan Brahma and Mahesh (Shiva). The Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra is connected to the Sun or Surya, the central force around which all other planets orbit. The Manipura Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa is designed to clear and balance the participant's energy center. This puja focuses on the center of one's own power. The result is power, success, and confidence. Experience the numerous health benefits and find relief from ailments associated with the Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra.
Color Therapy

Use yellow in your daily routine to maximize this therapy's benefits. Wear yellow clothes or carry citrine or amber crystals to align with the solar plexus chakra. Yellow home decor, artwork, and flowers will brighten your space. Imagine a bright, golden-yellow sun emanating from your solar plexus during meditation to energize and balance this chakra. Sunlight can also empower, clear, and revitalize the Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra. Yellow aligns you with solar plexus energy, boosting your power, confidence, and well-being.
Belief Clearing, Reiki & Positive Affirmations
Belief clearing, Reiki, and positive affirmations can balance the Solar plexus Chakra (Manipura). Release restrictive beliefs through belief clearing. Replace these beliefs with empowering, positive ideas. Reiki purifies and balances the Solar plexus Chakra. It channels life force energy to boost physical and emotional health. Regular positive affirmations can help balance your Manipura chakra. These practices remove blockages and establish a healthy and spiritual foundation.
I deeply love and approve of who I am.
I am worthy of my own-self-love.
I love and respect myself at all times.
I trust my worthiness.
I am worth my weight in gold.
There are no failures. I learn from everything I do.
I believe that everything is for my highest good and greatest joy.
I listen to and trust my deepest insights.
I am worthy of the very best in life.
I release judgment and let my life flow.
Crystal Therapy

Raising the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra energy is about increasing our energy and dynamism, our willpower to achieve our goals. The best Solar Plexus chakra crystals are usually those with the same color hue as Manipura - envisage yellow colors from light to dark hues and golden yellow.
Ruby replenishes a person's vitality and energy, making it an excellent choice for those experiencing energy depletion. Its benefits include name, fame, and prosperity. Ruby brings to balance the Solar Plexus chakra and paves the way for round success in life’s path.
Yellow Topaz invites kismet into your life and makes everything work in your favor. It allows you to form beneficial relationships while avoiding harmful ones.
Yellow Citrine like a refreshing glass of lemonade profoundly invigorates and provides a distinct and quick energetic boost to realign the energies, dispersing lethargy and stuck motivations and fostering the emergence of new vitality.
Tiger Eye Stone is all about bringing stunning self-confidence to the surface, rather than concealing it. The healing properties sweep away toxic energies and push aside mental obstacles.
Lemon Quartz Stone , also known as sun stone, minimizes distractions, improves attention, and recovers memory, making it an excellent meditation partner.
Yellow Jasper promotes self-esteem and the confidence to take action.
In conclusion, the Manipura chakra helps us overcome challenges and reach our potential. A balanced Manipura chakra benefits all aspects of life. Strong self-esteem helps us set healthy limits, make clear decisions, and pursue our goals with determination. This balance helps us take responsibility for our actions, turning setbacks into personal growth opportunities. It helps us overcome fear and embrace change by building resilience and self-confidence. Respect and good communication promote genuine expression and harmonious relationships with a balanced Manipura chakra. It helps us connect with our higher purpose and act on our values and goals. Nurturing and aligning this chakra releases inner power, bringing purpose, confidence, and spiritual growth.
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