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Vision problems

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Vision Problems: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Cure Through Alternative Therapy – Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy® (RRCT)


Cure Blurry Vision Naturally

Eyes are the most developed sensory organs of the body. A large part of the brain is connected to eyesight, making eyesight the most important, and it can never be taken for granted. An impairment in eyesight leads to vision problems. It could occur both because of diseases affecting the eye or any disorder that may occur at the location of the optic pathway. Errors of refraction are one of the common vision problem types, which is how light rays are focused on the retina so the images can be transmitted to the brain.

Types Of Common Vision Problems, Symptoms And Prevention

Refractive errors: It is a common eye vision problem that causes blurry vision. Individuals with far-sightedness (hyperopia) cannot focus their vision when looking at near things. Its symptoms include vision problems with headache and eyestrain, which is caused when one, tries to see things clearly. Individuals with near-sightedness (myopia) have difficulty seeing things that are at a distance and put a lot of strain on their eyes to be able to focus. One can prevent its magnitude by doing an eye check-up or examination once every year before 18 and after 65 years of age.

Glaucoma: It is a vision problem caused when the pressure from excess fluid, which fills the space inside the eye, causes damage to the optic nerve. Vision loss treatment caused due to Glaucoma is not possible, so it needs to be treated and diagnosed at the right time. You can prevent the long-term vision loss caused due to Glaucoma by doing frequent eye screening if this eye vision problem runs in the family, wearing eye protection, applying eye drops prescribed by doctors, and exercising regularly.

Cataract: This condition develops slowly, usually in the latter age, and it causes vision to fog, and light gets halo when the cataract clouds the eye's lens due to ageing of the lens. This, too, leads to low vision and sometimes-partial blindness. The vision problem symptoms of Cataracts are hazy vision, weak vision at night, double vision problem in one eye, and in advanced cases, pupils looking opaque. The double vision treatment due to the Cataract must be done early to avoid permanent vision loss. Controlling blood pressure, managing diabetes, and protecting eyes from UVA and UVB lights are some of the preventive measures. To know how to cure double vision naturally caused due to cataracts, you can also consult a licensed naturopathic doctor.

Macular degeneration: An age-related vision problem that is caused due to growth of blood vessels or tissue breakdown in the macula resulting in blurred, wavy, or dim vision making it difficult to read or see faces. Keeping a check on blood pressure and cholesterol can prevent it and home remedies for eyesight improvement include consuming fish and leafy green vegetables.

Diabetic retinopathy: it is caused when the blood vessels of the retina get damaged due to diabetes. It can result in dark spots in the field of vision or blurred vision. Keeping your sugar level under check is the key preventive remedy for eye problems. Apart from this, eye injuries and diseases like glaucoma, and rental disorders also affect vision partially or may lead to total blindness.

Astigmatism: It is a condition where the eyes are not completely round and when the light comes, it bends more in one direction than evenly. So, the objects in focus at a distance may look blurry and wavy. Blurred vision and low vision problems occur due to age because the lens loses flexibility.

Conventional treatment for typical vision problems of near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism is corrected by using prescription lenses. Disorders such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and macular degeneration require advanced medical and surgical procedures.

What causes vision problems?

Most of the common vision problems can be genetic or caused due to simple refractive errors, conditions like damage of the optic nerve, build-up of fluid in eyes or malfunction or problems in any part of the eye. Apart from that, conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure and factors like excessive exposure to the Sun, smoking, fatigue, lack of sleep, and eye strain due to viewing a digital screen for a long time are some of the factors that can result in vision problems.

The root cause of the vision problem is deep-rooted, at the level of Chakra in your body. Understanding the root cause of the Vision Problem and adding natural remedies for the eye problem will help in the treatment without interfering with the current treatment. Vision Problem comes from an imbalanced Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra, due to an emotional state, psychological reactions, and certain life experiences. Conventional treatment is helpful, but the cycle of genetic vision problems needs to be broken. So, how to cure blurry vision naturally or other vision problems? Adding a natural therapy – an alternative healing therapy can do it. There are several therapies under Alternative Healing, among the many therapies, Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) is a unique therapy of balancing the Chakra energy to reduce the effects and give a good amount of relief and helps in balancing the energy of an Imbalanced Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra.


Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra is the seat of perception and judgment. An imbalanced Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra indicates erratic thinking patterns, co-dependency on the opinion of others, and affected by others’ judgements; which makes the person incapable to see beyond the dependencies, and the major reason for blockages, or imbalances the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra with vision problems and also blocks the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra. The person might obstruct him or herself from seeing things about oneself and life, be it in the present, past or future, because of the fear of experiencing hurt or pain. This obstruction leads to the incapability to analyse situations in the right manner, non-acceptance, and non-compromising with reality, unable to let go of old beliefs and thinking patterns, and not seeing all perspectives with clarity to make the right decisions and see things with joy. This inability to see things with clarity and or unwillingness to see/face things that he/she does not like tends to diffuse the sight causing vision problems. In addition, pent-up emotions that play on the mind (the forehead area – the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra) can manifest other health problems too.


To balance the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra and get relief from Vision Problems and any other disease, Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT) pioneered by Neeta Singhal, is an alternative healing therapy - a natural and unique therapy to balance the 7 Chakras (subtle energy centers) in the body. RRCT is an outcome of the deep study of Puranas, Upanishads on the miraculous properties different Rudraksha beads have, and real-time testing of Rudraksha with Ratna (Gemstones) on the body has proven to clean the aura, heal and balance the Chakras. RRCT prescribes specific Rudraksha and Gemstone combinations upon deriving the state of your Aura Energy and Chakra analysis.

Essentially, the specific combination of Rudraksha and Gemstone therapy taps 100% properties of Rudraksha and Gemstone that remove the blocked energy and tune you into the right frequency. This cleansing process and self-healing process starts giving relief the moment Rudraksha and Ratna (Gemstone) combination is worn. Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy does not require any difficult efforts. Chant the beej mantras as prescribed. However, there is no compulsion to even chant (if you don’t want to chant or cannot chant for some reason) as the therapy works automatically. Chanting, however, will speed up the cleansing and healing process.

Talk to our Certified Therapist to identify the exact triggers, work with us to remove limiting beliefs, and allow us to prescribe you the best-suited combination of Rudraksha and Gemstone for you. Within a week of wearing the prescribed combination, you will experience several positive changes within.

Rudraksha and Gemstone combination advised to give relief from Vision Problems:

3 Mukhi Rudraksha , 7 Mukhi Rudraksha , 17 Mukhi Rudraksha and Blue Sapphire


Signs : Blurry vision, weak eyesight, dark spots in field of vision
Cause : Inability to look ahead in life with joy and not willing to see what you do not like either about self or life-past, present or future
Chakra : Ajna Chakra (Third Eye)
Affirmations : I look ahead freely with loving eyes because life is full of joy. I am willing to see my own beauty. I create the life I want to look at and no one and nothing can hurt me.

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