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Vishuddha chakra

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Vishuddha Chakra

The throat (Vishuddha) Chakra is the fifth Chakra located at the throat region above the collarbone. This Chakra corresponds to the laryngeal plexus and is associated with hearing, listening and speaking/expressing. It is the purification point of the body and the centre of knowledge, wisdom, willpower, truth, power of choice and ability to communicate effectively. It is from this centre of will that you express your needs and desires, your creativity, and your power of choice. It is associated with ‘purification’ or ‘cleansing’ and is positioned at the neck near the spine with the activation point in the pit of the throat. The Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra is primarily linked with communication, has the lesson of self-expression and the power of choice.

The vocal cords of an individual with a balanced Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra show resonance and clarity, making it easy to interact. People with an unblocked Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra have clarity with knowledge and wisdom to be able to make excellent decisions makers and effortlessly follow their dreams.

Blocked or Imbalanced Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra results in thyroid disorder, respiratory disorder, hormonal differences, mood changes and persistent infections. The person neither feels fully confident nor has the right words to express and articulate impactfully.

Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra Powers:

This Chakra reigns all the energies connected with the throat, mainly vocal. When this Chakra is fully balanced, your communication skills are enhanced. All the vocal artists such as singers and other voice artists have a throat (Vishuddha) Chakra is energized. The cosmic colour of this Chakra is blue.

Why Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra Gets Blocked?

The person with a blocked Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra has been constantly compared with others. This constant comparison leads to a feeling of lack, not feeling appreciated and has also made the person feel sad, angry, bitter and jealous. Such emotions disturb the flow of positive energy that the Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra generates for growing Knowledge, Wisdom and Communication. This affects intellectual ability, and the ability to communicate is affected. As there is a literal “lump in the throat”. It creates confusion about who you are, what your true role is and your true purpose (dharma). This leads to timidity, a fear of speaking up, and sometimes manipulative behaviour. Rather than speaking up, you may speak half-truths and untruths to repress your inner dissatisfaction. Creative impulses are suppressed as ideas do not move through to the lower Chakras where they are made into reality.

Vishuddha Chakra Association:

When energy is not flowing freely in Throat chakra, some of the following physical symptoms arise:

Specific Rudraksha and Gemstones worn as per RRCT give the required frequency and colour to the Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra and balance it. Once the Chakra is balanced, physical and emotional symptoms disappear and the wearer is empowered to face life with good communication and expression skills and establishes his own individuality and modifies relationships and situations as per his/her expectations.

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How To Open or Balance Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

  • Release fears of listening and release fear of speaking: Express yourself. You fear expressing yourself because you think others will reject you or they will get hurt. This leads to fear of sharing opinions with others and expressing one’s talent. Remember that you are a unique soul with a unique life purpose. For that, your unique talents need to be expressed in this world.
  • Releasing dependency: Communication always happens between equals. If this is what you feel or if you feel lesser or higher than the other due to dependency; you cannot communicate. Therefore, take all unions as equal partnerships by releasing dependency and honour your right to speak, hear and be heard.
  • Remove the fear of being misunderstood: Fear of being misunderstood arises when you doubt the other person’s intention and capability to understand you. This leads to communication problems. Hence, it is important that you trust the other person and believe in the ability that you can make yourself understood.
  • Accept your wisdom and build your courage to say what you think but always prepare the ground.
  • Release guilt and do not send a message to the Universe that “I am wrong and have to be punished”. You can’t escape your guilt; you’ll have to address it at some time or the other. Identify your guilt, face it and then release it. Accept that you did what you thought was right at that moment.
  • Practice patience and understanding throughout will boost the power of this Chakra Do not try too hard to convince and Understand the person before reacting.

Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra Beej Mantra:

One of the ways to gradually unblock Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra is the Mantra sound that can be uttered doing meditation. The mantra for this Chakra is HAM (pronounced as lum, lʌm). Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up. Concentrate on the Throat Chakra at the base of the throat. Chant the mantra HAM. Do it for 10 minutes and feel the sensation of awakening of the Vishuddha Chakra. Watch the video for the mantra and its pronunciation.


Life Lessons:

  • Never compare or allow to be compared
  • Release fears of listening, speaking
  • Accept and understand

What blocks the Throat Chakra:

  • Not able to communicate your truth
  • Not able to modify your situations and people's responses according to you
  • Felt being compared with others too much
  • Mismatch of expectations

Emotional Effects:

  • Possessiveness, jealousy, failing to see when a relationship is abusive
  • Lack of self-love, feeling unworthy and dejection, don’t feel motivated to give in relationships or situations much

Effects of Blockage:

  • Knowledge flow and inner wisdom get blocked, due to which you are unable to take the right decisions.
  • Indecisiveness

How specific the RRCT combination works on this Chakra?

  • Get the power to voice out
  • Clarity of words through Wisdom and Knowledge (Inner Wisdom and Knowledge flow from various sources opens up)
  • Power to take decisions that is correct for self
  • Helps in holistic changes (works at deeper levels within)

Other reasons for RRCT:

  • One time investment on a solution that brings your Chakra in balance the moment you wear
  • Costs fractional as compared to other remedies
  • Quickest and does not require any difficult efforts every day to be taken. Simply requires just wearing the product in the form of a ring/ bracelet or pendant. Thoroughly a practical methodology in modern times for the ones does not have enough time for meditation, yoga and or to make frequent trips to therapists

A proven therapy backed by research. Over 20,000 testimonials received that are verifiable.


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