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Celebrate Mahashivratri in 2024: Puja Vidhi, Story, Vrat Katha, Significance, How & Why Celebrate?

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What is Mahashivratri? | About Mahashivratri | Meaning of Mahashivratri

Maha Shivratri Mahapuja


Mahashivratri is one of the biggest and most significant festivals among India's sacred celebrations. Among all the twelve Shivaratri that occur in a calendar year, Mahashivratri is considered the most important and is celebrated on the fourteenth day of the waning moon in the month of Phalguna. This night is regarded as the darkest night of the year and is celebrated as the festival of Shiva's grace. The planetary positions on this night are believed to amplify spiritual energies. Embracing wakefulness and performing rituals to connect with the divine are considered highly beneficial for physical and spiritual development.

Lord Shiva is Adiyogi, the first Guru and from Him, the tradition of yogic practices has originated. Mahashivratri is a festival of awakening. It is a celebration where one seeks blessings for inner transformation.  We find mention in The Ishan Samhita, that on the night of the 14th day of the waning moon in Phalguna, Lord Shiva appeared the form of a luminous linga with a radiance surpassing millions of suns.

Astrologers find that on the night of Phalguna Krishna Chaturdashi, the planets moon and the sun are very close to each other. Their closeness, symbolizing the union of Purusha (consciousness) and Prakriti (nature), leads to enlightenment. This night is celebrated as the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Therefore, elaborate celebrations are carried out, symbolizing Lord Shiva's grand procession.

Lord Shiva, the husband of Mother Jagadamba, is surrounded by ghosts and demons. His body is adorned with ashes from the cremation ground, a serpent around His neck, poison in His throat, the moon on His forehead, and Rudraksha beads. Holding a drum and a trident in His hands, He rides a bull. Lord Shiva, the timeless and divine, blesses His devotees and bestows wealth upon them. He is prayed to with various names such as Shiva, Bholenath, Mahadev, Ashutosh, Umeshwara, Gaurishankar, Someshwara, Mahakal, Omkareshwara, Neelkanth,Vaidyanatha, Tripurari and Sadasiva,. It is believed that those who worship Lord Shiva with devotion and stay vigilant during Shivaratri gain immense benefits, equivalent to  years of continuous worship.

On this day, devotees queue up at temples from early morning. They offer milk and bilva leaves to Lord Shiva and perform Rudrabhishek, which is the ritualistic bathing of the Shiva Linga.

Mahashivratri 2024 Festival Date & Muhurat (Auspicious Timings) For Puja & Fasting

Mahashivratri on Friday, March 8, 2024
Nishita Kaal Puja Time - 12:07 AM to 12:56 AM, Mar 09
Duration - 00 Hours 49 Mins
On 9th Mar, Shivaratri Parana Time - 06:37 AM to 03:29 PM
Ratri First Prahar Puja Time - 06:25 PM to 09:28 PM
Ratri Second Prahar Puja Time - 09:28 PM to 12:31 AM, Mar 09
Ratri Third Prahar Puja Time - 12:31 AM to 03:34 AM, Mar 09
Ratri Fourth Prahar Puja Time - 03:34 AM to 06:37 AM, Mar 09
Chaturdashi Tithi Begins - 09:57 PM on Mar 08, 2024
Chaturdashi Tithi Ends - 06:17 PM on Mar 09, 2024

Why Do We Celebrate Mahashivratri?


It is said that once the Earth’s creation was complete, Ma Parvati asked Lord Shiva about the kind of rituals that please Him the most. Lord Shiva replied that worshiping Him with Bel Patra on the 14th day of the waning moon in the month of Phalgun by His devotees pleases Him the most. Thus Mahashivratri is considered a propitious night when all followers of Lord Shiva must take refuge in Him to free themselves of miseries and sufferings. Devotees all over the world wait for this holy night to seek the blessings from the Supreme Lord. There are many other stories around this most popular festival of Lord Shiva:

Marriage of Shiva and Parvati:

Marriage of Shiva and Parvati

In order to win over Shiva, Parvati performed great penance. She is also known as Uma, and she was ultimately able to entice Shiva into marriage and aside from asceticism thanks to her devotion and the influence of the devas. Their wedding took place a day before Amavasya in the month of Phalgun. Every year, Mahashivratri commemorates the union of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati, this is when Lord Shiva was transformed from a 'Nirgun Brahman' to a 'Sagun Brahman'.

Samudra Manthan:

Samudra Manthan

In Vishnu Purana, the churning of the ocean, known as Samudra Manthan, is described. With the churning a deadly poison (halahala or kalakuta) emerged that threatened to destroy all of the creation. Lord Vishnu advised the gods and demons to seek Lord Shiva's help, as only He could consume the poison without being affected. Lord Shiva drank the poison, and to prevent it from harming Him, Goddess Parvati held it His throat by pressing her hand onto it. Devas, Asuras, celestial beings, and earthly creatures alike gathered around Lord Shiva and sang melodious hymns, played several instruments and danced with fervor to keep Him awake. Throughout the night, the universe held its breath, Shiva remained awake and alert. He was sustained by the unwavering devotion of all beings. Eventually he neutralised the poison within his throat. It turned blue and he became 'Neelakantha,' the blue throated one.

Descent of Ganga:

Descent of Ganga

One more legend says that on this day Goddess Ganga descended from heaven in full force and Lord Shiva caught her in His matted locks, and released her on to Earth as several streams. So for praying for this purification, this night is celebrated.



It is said that the formless Lord Sadashiva appeared in the form of a Lingodhbhav Moorthi at midnight.  Thus people stay awake all night and offer prayers to His formless and infinite form.

Bilva Tree Story:

Bilva Tree Story:

Another tale associated with Shivaratri involves a hungry hunter who, in pursuit of His prey, climbed a bilva tree. Under the tree there was a Shiva Linga. In order to stay awake to keep himself from falling prey to the tiger, the hunter began plucking bilva leaves one by one and dropping them down. Without his knowing, he was performing a sacred act of worship of offering the most favourite bilva leaf to Lord Shiva. Pleased with the sincere offering, Lord Shiva blessed the hunter with moksha (liberation).

Tandav dance:

Tandav dance

It is also said that on Mahashivratri, Lord Shiva performs the 'Tandava' dance, symbolizing the destruction of the ego and ignorance. To calm him, devotees offer milk and honey. This dance signifies the destruction of negativity, and the all-night vigil by devotees represents the awakening of the self in divine bliss.

These stories and rituals collectively emphasize the significance of Mahashivratri as a time for spiritual awakening, devotion, and the conquest of darkness through the divine grace of Lord Shiva.

Mahashivratri 2024 Puja (Prayer) Vidhi (Procedure) And Mantras

What to do on Mahashivratri?

On Mahashivratri, devotees do prayers to Lord Shiva, sing His praises, read His stories and meditate on Him all night long. Unlike other Hindu celebrations, which incorporate cultural merriment, Mahashivratri is traditionally deemed a serious festival renowned for its introspective concentration, fasting, meditation, self-study, communal peace, and all-night-long devotion to the Lord.

This is the night when the devotees remain awake all night long. They offer ritual abhishek to the lingam and recite Vedic mantras. They meditate and surrender their minds to Shiva. These spiritual activities instill a feeling of calm, turning them inwards, allowing them to connect with the soul that is beyond the mind and intellect. This experience transports a true devotee to the fourth level of consciousness, also known as Shiva awareness. This surrender means having faith that there is a divine power watching over and nurturing everyone. Meditation, resignation (rather than resistance), and surrender offer a deep state of serenity and comfort during this night.

What to do on Mahashivratri?

This is the night to realize the Shiva Tattva which is present within every individual. Certain rituals & practices which are listed below are highly recommended for those who aspire for material abundance as well as spiritual elevation.

1. Start your day early

It is advised to wake up early in the morning and take a bath with water mixed with sesame seeds. According to ancient scriptures, bathing with sesame seeds helps to purify the body and soul. Traditionally people used to bathe in ganges river on this day.

2. Jagran (All Night Vigil)

Mahashivratri is an important festival for spiritual seekers, during which it is recommended to stay awake throughout the night. It is a night when we seek refuge in our spirit. Bhagwan Shiva represents the essence of our soul, and when we worship Him, we recognize higher qualities within ourselves. Shiva is the energy that sustains the entire creation. This energy permeates the entire universe and is present within every living being. It is known as the Shiva Tattva. On Mahashivratri there is a natural increase in the Earth’s Geomagnetic Energy, particularly in the planet's northern hemisphere. This energy can help all living beings to elevate their consciousness and spirit. As a result, Mahashivratri is a day when nature is pushing us towards our spiritual peak. To align ourselves with this natural upsurge of energy and expand our consciousness, it is essential to remain awake the whole night from Sunset (8th March) to Sunrise (9th March) the next day while keeping our spine erect and being fully aware.

3. Fasting

During Mahashivratri, people fast for the entire day and break the fast only on the next day after having a bath before Chaturdashi Tithi ends. This way, they can obtain the benefits of the Vrat. They take only one meal a day before Mahashivratri so that there is no undigested food within the body during fasting. The fast of the Mahashivratri celebration is particularly austere, and devotees often refrain from taking any food while fasting. Although some prefer to consume fruits, nuts, milk and fast permitted foods throughout the day, in the strictest version of the Puja, participants do not even drink water.

4. Shivling Abhishek & Shiva Puja

Lord Shiva is known as Abhisheka Priya, which means he loves Abhishek. Abhishek is a ritual that involves pouring various offerings on the Shiva Lingam, such as rose water, yogurt, ghee, milk, honey, sugar, Gangajal water, and fruit juices. This ritual can be performed once or during each of the four Prahars. For those who perform the four Prahar Puja, Abhishek should be performed with water mixed with Ganges water during the First Prahar, yogurt/curd during the Second Prahar, ghee in the Third Prahar, and honey in the Fourth Prahar. After performing the Abhishek rituals, the Shiva Lingam should be decorated with bilva leaves. These leaves are used because they symbolically elevate the worshippers above the three gunas represented by the three leaves of the Bilva patra.

After adorning the Shiva Lingam with bilva leaves, chandan, bhasma and ashtagandha are applied and dhoop is offered Then other items like madar flowers, dhatura, bhaang are offered to the Shiva Lingam.

5. Japa/Chanting Shiva Mantras & Bhajans

The most effective mantras are listed below. Their power increases when recited on this particular night, more than any other time of the year.

Chanting Shiva Mantras

Chanting Shiva mantras on Mahashivratri is best and the effects multiply manifold when done on this day.
The best mantras are:
ॐ नम: शिवाय॥
Om Namah Shivay॥

“My inner Self is not different than Shiva”

Namah used in the middle means 'I am not ego' but only Shiva. In self-realization, it means I am none other than Shiva. Further Namah in simple words refers to worshiping. But when you divide the word Namaha as Na and Maha, it denotes 'not mine'. I am not mine.  Nothing is truly mine. I am in Shiva and He is in me.

Vedic literature like Shiva Purana calls Him Bholenath, the one who is quickly delighted and fulfills His devotees’ wishes. Anyone can chant this mantra at a silent place to approach Him with humbleness and devotion.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra:

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिंम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात् ||

Om Tryambakaṃ Yajāmahe Sugandhiṃ Pushtivardhanam ǀ
Urvārukamiva Bandhanān Mrityormukshīya Mā'mratāt ǁ

“OM! We pray to the Three-eyed Lord Who is fragrant and Who nourishes and nurtures everyone. As a ripened cucumber is freed easily by the creeper as soon as it is ripe, may we gain that ability to let go and be liberated from death for the sake of immortality.”

It is one of the most sacred and highly powerful and revered mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda and Yajur Veda. It offers protection against untimely death. This mantra charges your mental, emotional and physical health and is known for bestowing longevity and immortality.

Rudra Gayatri Mantra:

ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि
तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat॥

“OM! I meditate on the great Purusha.  O, greatest God, grant me higher intellect, and may Lord Rudra illuminate my mind.”

Gayatri is the divine goddess and mother of the Vedas worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva). Gayatri symbolizes the virtues of purity, truth and knowledge. By chanting Rudra Gayatri Mantra, the Shiva Tattvas in our soul are super charged by the blessings of Goddess Gayatri who is the divine union of Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati. This mantra seeks blessings of Lord Shiva who removes ego and releases us from ignorance.


On the occasion of Mahashivratri, it is recommended to meditat.  Even without any spiritual practice in a person's life, the human body experiences a natural upward movement of energy. However, by taking advantage of this natural upsurge of energies on the nightlong festival of Mahashivratri, and practicing the right kind of mantras and meditations, we can move one step closer to the divine. It is worth noting that the raising of energies takes place even without any spiritual practice in a person's life.

Wear Rudraksha

'Rudra' refers to Lord Shiva, and 'Aksha' means tears. According to the legend, when Lord Shiva opened his eyes after a deep meditation, tears of compassion fell on the ground. The Rudraksha trees grew from these tears, which are a divine gift from Lord Shiva to humanity to alleviate their sufferings. Mahashivratri is considered the best time to wear Rudraksha. Wearing Rudraksha on this auspicious day can help you increase your wealth, health, knowledge, and spiritual power. To achieve all these benefits in life, it is essential to choose the best quality Rudraksha.

Remembering Shiva’s Stories

Mahashivratri is a reminder for us to move away from conflicts and embrace truth, beauty, peace, and benevolence. By listening to the various legends revolving around Bhagwan Shiva, we can learn to attain a higher level of self-awareness, connect with our inner divinity, and find peace amidst the chaos of life.

Mahashivratri 2024 Vrat (Fasting) Vidhi (Procedure), Mahurat (Auspicious Timings) And Food

Food to Eat During Fasting on Mahashivratri

It is important to Fast on Shivratri. Unlike other festivals featuring the consumption of food after rituals, the Shivratri vrat happens throughout the day and night. Scientifically, fasting detoxifies your body and purifies the mind. It makes you feel lighter in your body with your mind becoming stable, less fickle and alert (focused) as well. With a focused mind, one is better prepared for meditation. With a purified mind and body, the fire of sankalpa (intentions) rises. Fasting starts in the morning and ends the following morning. Some devotees fast without water while some observe moderate fasting with fruits and water or easily digestible food to keep the body and the soul together.

Food to Avoid During Fasting on Mahashivratri

  • Rice
  • Pulses
  • Table Salt (Alternative: Rock salt)
  • Meat of any sort
  • Eggs in any form
  • Other Rajsik and Tamsik foods

Food to Eat During Fasting on Mahashivratri

  • Sabudana khichdi
  • Kuttu puri (buckwheat unleavened deep-fried bread)
  • Halwa made from water chestnut flour
  • Sama ke chawal or barnyard millet
  • Pumpkin soup with rock salt
  • Fruits and milk

If you are fasting, start it from the morning of Shivaratri day (8th March) and break it the next day on 9th March before 06:17 PM (before Chaturdashi tithi ends).  You may consume fruits and milk and foods permitted in fast during this time. As discussed earlier, fasting purifies not just your body but your consciousness. With a purified consciousness, one becomes focused and spiritually stronger.

Types of Fasting in Hinduism

  • When you take neither water nor any food, it is Nirjala Upavas.
  • When you skip breakfast but have lunch and dinner, it is Prat Upavas. (Prat means morning)
  • Taking one meal during the day and skipping dinner is called Adhopvas.
  • Eating just one type of food (lonly one item throughout), it is called Ekaharopvas.
  • Having only liquids like juices of fruits/vegetables (not milk or cereals) is called Rasopavas.
  • When you take only fruits and cooked vegetables, it is called Falopavas.
  • Consuming only milk (4-5 times) is called Dughdopavas.
  • When you avoid ghee and other sour items, it is called Takropavas.

Importance of Mahashivratri

Since ancient Vedic times, people from all walks of life are praying to Lord Shiva for various reasons. Saints and Spiritual people seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for moksha, Kshatriyas(Warriors) pray to Him for honor, strength and bravery, merchants and traders (Vaishyas) worship him for wealth and profits, and the labour class (Shudras) worship Him for daily needs. According to Srimad Bhagvatam (4.6.34), Lord Shiva is flanked by Lord Kuber, the god of wealth and the four Kumaras, who are celibate and liberated souls. This signifies that the great Lord Shiva is the sanctuary for all kinds of devotees, the ones who seek wealth and worldly pleasures, and the ones who seek liberation from the material world. And this explains too why Mahashivratri is celebrated by everyone regardless of social caste or sect.

Mahashivratri (with “Shivratri” also spelled as Shivaratri, Shivaratri, Shivaratri, Shivarathri or Shivarathri) is also held as the night when Lord Shiva performed the Tandava Nritya, the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction. On the night of Mahashivratri, there is a natural upsurge of energy that promotes spiritual evolution. This night-long event which is celebrated annually is a unique occasion for whoever worships the Lord with true devotion to be freed of all sins and to be blessed with spiritual augmentation. As per the Vedas, the Universal Spiritual energy generated by the most favorable planetary positions are at its peak during this night. Hence, the practice of night-long jagran and prayers to Bhagavan Shiva is followed.

Significance of Mahashivratri

Mahashivratri Significance

Mahashivratri, revered as the most auspicious night (Shiva means 'the auspicious one'), gives profound repose to the mind and the soul. Spiritualists look at this night as that which enables one to transcend and achieve the ultimate state of existence known as Shiva.

It is also crucially significant for those crossing through familial difficulties, as well as those who wish to tide over worldly problems. Mahashivratri is celebrated as Lord Shiva's wedding day. It is also the day when He consumed the poison of this world and transmuted it.

In Hinduism, Mahashivratri has its own significance. The God of All Gods (Mahadeva) and Lord of All Existence has selected this day to bestow His precious blessings on His true devotees. Countless Saints and Sadhus have said that this day is amazingly magical, capable of eradicating the most powerful evil forces. According to astrological experts, the planetary configurations on this day are such that chakras of the human body become more balanced  and tendencies of desire, rage, ego and jealousy, which are born of Rajas and Tamas, are subdued.

During this sacred Shiva's vigil night, Mahashivratri, we are brought to the point of transition between destruction and regeneration; it represents the night when we must reflect on that which watches the growth out of decay. We must look back and forward to discover what evil needs to be eradicated from our hearts and what development of virtue needs to be encouraged.

Mahashivratri is the night of Lord Shiva. He may be found everywhere there is beauty, truth, and goodness. Lord Shiva is regarded as the ultimate harbour for followers seeking both financial and spiritual fulfilment. People throughout the globe are looking forward to finding comfort and inner peace now more than ever. As the world prepares for fresh beginnings and awakenings, Mahashivratri could not come at a better moment.

Shivratri is the night when we take refuge in Shiva, the all-pervading force that penetrates the whole universe and is present in all living things. Our soul and Lord Shiva are inseparable. Both are the same. That's what we're made of. We discover these greater attributes within ourselves when we worship Lord Shiva.

Wearing & Buying Rudraksha on Mahashivratri


Mahashivratri is the best time of the year to start wearing Rudraksha beads which are dearest to Lord Shiva. Shiva says in Padma Purana “I am Shiva because of Rudraksha”. “There is no fast or prayer, greater than wearing Rudraksha”.

It is also stated even Rudra attained Rudrahood only after wearing Rudraksha beads. Saints achieve the ultimate truth and Brahma attains Brahamatava. Thus, there is nothing higher than wearing Rudraksha beads in this world. Just like Vishnu amongst men, Surya amongst all the planets, Ganga among rivers, Kashyap among humans, Shiva amongst all Gods, Parvati amongst all Goddesses is Highest and Praised. Similarly, Rudraksha is the Highest amongst all. Hence there is no Sloka or fast above Rudraksha.
‘Rudraksha’ means Rudra (Lord Shiva). Rudra means the one who wails, howls or roars. Wearing Rudraksha pleases Lord Shiva as they were born from His tears of compassion for the world. Wearing Rudraksha beads aligns them with Shiva's divine vibrations, fostering inner peace, self power, harmony and protection.

How to Worship Shivalingam on Mahashivratri?

On the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri, devotees engage in worship of the Shivalingam, following ancient rituals that are outlined in the sacred texts. According to the Shiv Purana, the Shivalingam is revered with elaborate ceremonies throughout the night, symbolizing devotion and spiritual awakening.

The ritual of Rudrabhishek starts by performing ceremonial bathing of the Shivalingam with various sacred substances, accompanied by the chanting of powerful mantras. This bathing is done at intervals of every three hours. If you're looking to perform Rudrabhishek, here's a step-by-step guide to help you out:

Purification: Begin by purifying yourself by sprinkling water on yourself while chanting cleansing mantras. This prepares you for the sacred ritual ahead.

Setup: Place the Shivalingam at the center of the altar, and arrange all the necessary items for the abhishek, including water, milk, yogurt, honey, ghee, sugar, panchamrit and Bhasma.

Invocation: Invoke Lord Shiva's presence by chanting prayers and mantras dedicated to Him. Offer flowers, incense, and lamps as a gesture of welcome and reverence.

Abhishek: Perform the Rudrabhishek by consecutively pouring each sacred substance over the Shivalingam while chanting the Rudram, Chamakam, and other hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva. The substances commonly used for abhishek include:

Water: Symbolizes purity and cleansing.

Milk: Represents nourishment and purity of heart.

Yogurt (Curd): Symbolizes cooling and auspiciousness.

Honey: Signifies sweetness and divine grace.

Ghee: Represents purification and spiritual enlightenment.

Sugar: Symbolizes sweetness and devotion.

Coconut water: Represents purity and spiritual energy.

Bhasma (Sacred Ash): Symbolizes destruction of ignorance and attainment of liberation.

Mantra Chanting: While performing the abhishek, chant the powerful mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as the Pranav Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, and Shiva Sahasranama. The vibrations created by the chanting are believed to invoke divine blessings and protection.

After Abhishek, dry the Lingam and decorate it with sandal paste and bhasma and flowers. Offer Bilva leaves, Bel fruit, Dhatura, Bhaang, Fruits, Panchamrit and Sweet offerings to Lord Shiva as a symbol of devotion and gratitude.

Aarti: Conclude the ritual by performing the aarti and offering heartfelt prayers to Lord Shiva, expressing devotion and seeking His blessings.

Prasad Distribution: Distribute the prasad (blessed offerings) to all the devotees present, symbolizing the sharing of divine blessings and grace.

Conclusion: Conclude the ceremony with gratitude and reverence, thanking Lord Shiva for His divine presence and blessings.

Performing Rudrabhishek with sincerity, devotion, and understanding of its significance brings spiritual purification, blessings, and divine grace into one's life.

Spiritual Significance of Shivling Worship:

  • Bathing the Shiva Linga with water, milk and honey and offering Woodapple or bel leaves -
    Spiritual Connotation: Represents purification of the soul
  • Applying sandalwood on Shiva Linga after bathing it -
    Spiritual Connotation: Purification and filling oneself with divine fragrance
  • Offering of fruits -
    Spiritual Connotation: Represents longevity and gratification of desires
  • Burning incense -
    Spiritual Connotation: Surrender of senses to the Higher Self
  • Lighting of the lamp -
    Spiritual Connotation: Attainment of knowledge
  • Offering betel leaves -
    Spiritual Connotation: Represents satisfaction with worldly pleasures
  • Applying tripunda (3 lines of holy ash)
    Spiritual Connotation: Represents purity, penance and spiritual knowledge. (It also symbolizes the three eyes of Lord Shiva)

Bhajan Bhakti & Meditation on Mahashivratri


Bhakti (Devotion), Bhajan (Devotional songs) and Dhyaan (Meditation) performed during Mahashivratri increase spiritual strengths and attract the cosmic energy. The Shvetashvatara Upanishad defines ‘Bhakti’ as participation, devotion or dedication to an act. Just like Rudra Abhishek or Shiv Puja, hearing Bhajans or singing songs devoted to Lord Shiva is equally powerful.
Lord Shiva is known as Adi Yogi and Maha Yogi for it is He who first imparted the knowledge of yoga and meditation to the descendants (humans) of Manu. Meditation on Shiva, His divine qualities and the divine sound OM drives away illusions from one’s mind. Meditation during Mahashivratri is highly auspicious as the constellations join in the way that creates an atmosphere super-charged with Shambu Tattvas. Those who do not know what to do on Mahashivratri could simply turn inward to bhajan bhakti and dhyaan (meditation) on this night.
There are two types of meditation; Saguna and Nirguna. Saguna meditation includes focusing on the personal form of the deity. It is pleasing and joyfully performed. You can simply close your eyes and focus on the pleasing form of Lord Shiva. Nirguna meditation includes focusing on the impersonal feature of Shiva, the unmanifested aspect, formless, infinite, expansive and unchangeable form of Shiva. In this mediation, the meditator merges into the divine form of Shiva or assumes the same qualities that He has.

Mantras & Scriptural Reading On Mahashivratri

Pranav mantra  ‘Om Namah Shivay’ is chanted throughout the night long Mahashivratri.

Other important Lord Shiva mantras are also chanted during Mahashivratri, among these are Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Rudra Gayatri Mantra, Ardhanarishwar mantra and Pashupatinath mantra.  Holy scriptures to be read and reflected upon on this day are 'Shiva Purana,' 'Rudra Samhita,' 'Shiva Mahapurana,' 'Vayu Purana,'  and ' Linga Purana”.   Shiva Tandava Stotram, Rudrashtakam, Lingashtakam, Bilvashtakam, Kalabhairava Ashtakam, Shiva Ashtakam and Rudram are revered hymns and chants dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Mahashivratri festival provides an ideal opportunity to teach these to the children to instill ideal samskaras in them.

On the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri read Shiva stories as they carry significant messages for spiritual growth.

Likewise, dance performances of Tandava are performed by artists during this holy night as Lord Shiva is intricately connected to art and dance through his celestial dance form, known as Tandava that symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction.

Midnight Meditation On Mahashivratri

Midnight Meditation during Mahashivratri is significant as it aligns with the emergence of the 'Lingodbhav Moorti,' the symbolic manifestation of Lord Shiva in the form of a Lingam, marking the occasion. Devotees engage in Rudra Abhishekam, while others choose midnight meditation, commencing 20 minutes before and extending 20 minutes after midnight, fostering inner stillness either individually, with family, or in collective gatherings.

Shiva Principle

Lord shiva and Maha shivratri

The Shiva principle is the summum bonum of all creation and permeates the whole cosmos. This principle, known as Shiva Tattva, is the essence of life and may be found deep inside every living entity. But we forget that we have this ability inside ourselves. Mahashivratri serves as a reminder to seek shelter in Shiva which is the source of all serenity, infinity, beauty, and non-duality. You seek shelter in Shiva because Shiva is your actual essence. And the very essence of Mahashivratri is to celebrate the Shiva Tattva inside oneself.
All of us are propelled by an unknown and unexplained force. Scientists have not yet been able to name it. However, ancient saints referred to this unknowable force as Shiva. He is the force that is said to give life to all living things. Because of Shiva, we can breathe, eat, move, and go about our daily lives. This energy not only drives living organisms, but it also exists as energy in non-living objects. As a result, Shiva propels existence. Mahashivratri significance is thus existential.
During Mahashivratri, Shiva Tattva, which is normally 10 inches above ground, makes touch with the Earth. While swirling energy upwards, Shiva Tattva, or our awareness or aura, falls and contacts the tangible earth. Nature is driving you to your spiritual peak on this night. Ratri denotes 'night' as well as 'to take refuge.' Shivratri is the night when we take refuge in Shiva, the all-pervading force that penetrates the whole universe and is present in all living things. Our soul and Lord Shiva are inseparable. Both are the same. That's what we're made of. We discover these greater attributes within ourselves when we worship Lord Shiva.
As a result, Shiva isn't what we imagine God to be, based on our preconceived notions or expectations; Shiva represents the Supreme Reality as it actually is, independent of any specific religion, philosophy, book, idea, institution or ideology. No matter what we think or believe, the intellect cannot come up with a formula or framework that can grasp the Shiva principle, as there is no bucket in which He can be placed. He fills the cosmos to overflowing on all sides, both internal and external. He is the ultimate unity's energy, greater than the sum of its parts, and He wields the combined might of all dualities at the same time.
Mahashivratri is a festival that honors the Shiva Tattva inside us.  We honor Shiva Tattva by reaching deep inside ourselves, meditating, and rejoicing in the Shiva consciousness. Mahashivratri is a time to relax not just the body, but also the mind and release the ego. It is customary to remain awake all-night-long during Mahashivratri which is a wake-up call for the whole world to turn away from strife and move toward beauty, love, and truth.

Science of Mahashivratri

The Science behind Mahashivratri

On Mahashivratri, the Sun and Moon align in such a manner that our body's Vata component is awakened. During this time of the year, activity is at its peak. Vata is one of three bodily components, the other two being Pitta and Kapha. The component directly associated with movement in the body is Vata.

As a result, Vata has a direct influence on the following:

  1. On a physical level (Sthula), Vata influences the nerve system and regulates all physiological activity.
  2. At the cellular level (Sookshma), Vata 'moves' nutrients into the body while also 'moving' wastes out of the cell.
  3. In the natural plane (Karana), Vata aids in the retrieval of information from memory and the understanding of cause and effect.

Such is the consequence of Vata. Even modest Vata imbalances have a significant impact on the processes described above. A Vata imbalance causes fatigue, discouragement, forgetfulness, a poor temperament, depression, aggression,
mood swings, and, in severe instances, anti-social and suicidal inclinations.
The northern hemisphere of the globe is positioned in such a way on this night that there is a natural rising flow of energy in humans, which balances Vata. This is a day when nature is pushing you to reach your spiritual top.  Keeping the spine straight and vertical on Mahashivratri night while remaining awake throughout the night with this upright posture offers enormous benefits for the human body, as it allows this natural uprising of energies to find their path.
As a result, the body and the mind find equilibrium in all of its modes and components while waking the entire system, activating the Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra for a deeper dimensional perception of yourself and your environment.
Unlike other festivals featuring consumption of food after rituals, Mahashivratri Vrat happens throughout the whole day and night. Scientifically, fasting detoxifies your body and purifies the mind. It makes you feel lighter in your body with your mind becoming stable, less fickle and more alert (attentive) too. With a focused mind, one is better prepared for meditation.
When the mind and body are purified and energized as it happens on this night, the strength of taking sankalpa (intentions) also increases. Fasting starts in the morning and ends the next morning after Mahashivratri. Some devotees fast without water while some observe moderate fasting with fruits and water or easily digestible food to keep the body and the soul together.
Aside from legends, the reason this day and night are so revered is because of the opportunities they give to a spiritual seeker. Modern science has progressed through many stages and is now attempting to demonstrate that everything you know as life, everything you know as matter as well as existence, and all you know as the universe and galaxies, is all simply one energy that expresses itself in millions of ways.
According to modern Astrology, the Earth's centrifugal upliftment is at its highest at this night, around 11 degrees North latitude (i.e. North hemisphere) due to the oscillation performed by Earth around the Sun. The Moon's gravitational influence is also at its strongest on this night. As previously stated, this causes an increase in whole body fluid in an upward direction, towards the brain.
The brain performs better when it gets this quantity of oxygenated blood. Even though the influence of this gravitational pull is little, it has a profound effect on the person, because the brain cannot function properly in either low or high blood flow conditions. Ancient seers said that any meditation practiced on the day of Mahashivratri will be more successful than on any other day of the year.
Immediately after Mahashivratri, the trees start to blossom bountiful flowers announcing that after winter, the fertility of the earth has been rejuvenated.

Significance of Mahashivratri for Women

Significance of Maha Shivratri for Women

Mahashivratri is deemed a highly auspicious occasion for women. On this night married women pray for the long life and well-being and good health of their husbands and sons. Unmarried women pray for the ideal husband, like Lord Shiva, the husband of Kali, Parvati and Durga.
Women bathe the Shivalingam with milk, water, and honey early in the morning. Then they offer Bel Patra, Bel Fruit, Dhatura, Flowers, and so on to the lingam which are His favourate items.
Women fast all day and recite strotras like  Shiva Ashtakam, Rudrashtakam, Bilvashtakam, Shiva Panchakshara Stotram, Shiva Mahimna Stotram and Shiva Tandava Stotram.. They also read Shiva Purana on this day.

Mahashivratri Celebration at Rudra Centre

Rudra Centre hosts an annual Mahashivratri Maha Puja, featuring Rudra Abhishek of the 4 prahars with Namak Chamak (Rudri Path), Bhajans, Rudram Chanting, Satsang with Sakhashree Neeta, spiritual dances, and live-streamed rituals. The Shiva Puja, spanning four prahars, includes holy bath, Panchamrit offering, Shiva Abhishek, Shringar, Bhasma application, and vastra offering, providing a divine experience of Shiva energy in a Chakra Yog ambiance.
Mahashivratri at Rudra Centre hosts different spiritual activities with Mahashivratri Puja as the central part of the night performed by 14-21 Vedic Brahmins.
The event includes the following activities:
Kalash Sthapana: Kalash is the most essential part of the Vedic Rituals. Installed at the altar before the start of a Vedic ritual, it represents the source of life abundance, wisdom, and immortality.

Panchang Sthapana: Panchang is a table featuring the most auspicious time for an activity.

64 yogini Pujan: It includes the worship of Sixty-Four yoginis, the female practitioner of spirituality and yoga. These 64 goddesses are the divine aspect of Bhavani or Parvati.

Shetrapal Pujan: It includes prayers and worship of Shetrapal Pujam wherein the attendants of Lord Shiva.

Swasti Vachan: It is a mantra that purifies the mind, the body, the heart, the senses and the soul.

Ganesh Pujan and Abhishek: It includes the worship and Abhishek of Lord Ganesha.

Navgraha Pujan and mantra chanting: Navagraha worship  invokes blessings and positive energy from the nine celestial bodies, promoting harmony and well-being.
Invocation of major Gods and Goddesses in Kalash: It is highly discourteous not to invite other gods and goddess to a Yagya or an Abhishek. By taking part of such auspicious ceremony, the gods are pleased and shower their blessings.

Rudra Kalash Pujan: It includes the worship of Rudra, a fierce manifestation of Shiva.

Sankalpa: It includes the recital of Purpose or Intention behind offering prayers to Shiva. One may ask for wish fulfillment from Shiva. Each Yajman’s Sankalpa is recited individually and video recordings are sent to each of the participants.
Shiva Invocation Mantra: Powerful Shiva mantras are chanted to invoke the grace of Lord Shiva.

Rudra Pujan: It includes the worship of Lord Rudra.

Complete Rudra Abhishekam: This involves the ceremonial bathing of a Shiva Lingam with various sacred offerings like water, milk, yogurt, honey, ghee, and juices, accompanied by the chanting of powerful mantras, to invoke Lord Shiva's blessings and seek spiritual purification.
Mantra Japa: It includes the chanting (japa) of Shiva mantras.
Strotra and Stuti recitation: These praise and worship Lord Shiva, seeking his divine blessings and grace.
Shri Rudram Chamakam recitation: This  is a Vedic hymn from the Yajurveda, containing prayers and praises to Lord Rudra, seeking his benevolence and blessings for peace, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment.
Aarti: This involves singing of hymns, accompanied by the offering of light to the deity, symbolizing the removal of darkness and invoking divine blessings.

Mahashivratri Puja Vidhi In Hindi

जानिए महाशिवरात्रि के शुभ अवसर पर क्या करना चाहिए, कौनसी पूजा विधि करें। वेदों खासतौर पर शिवपुराण में अनेक प्रकार की पूजा विधि का वर्णन किया गया है।

शिवजी को परमकृपालु कहा जाता है। उनके कई सारे दिव्य नाम है। उन्हें आशुतोष कहा जाता है जिनका अर्थ है इच्छा पूर्ण करने वाला। भक्त शिवरात्रि पूजा के लिए रात भर जागते हैं।अनुष्ठान की पूजा के दौरान, शिव को फल सब्जियों और नारियल के फल से बने विशेष भोजन दिए जाते हैं।

  • शिव पुराण के अनुसार, इस रात शिवलिंग को हर तीन घंटे के अंतराल में नहलाया जाता है।
  • लिंग को गाय से पांच पवित्र प्रसादों से स्नान कराया जाता है - 'पंचगव्य' में दूध, दही, गोमूत्र, घी और गाय के गोबर शामिल होते हैं।
  • सुगन्धित पदार्थ जैसे चंदन, गुलाब जल और शहद चढ़ाया जाता है।
  • इस पूरे समारोह के दौरान शिव मंत्र 'ओम नामः शिवाए' का नाम जपा जाता है।
  • इसके बाद, दूध, मक्खन, दही, शहद और चीनी (अमरता के 5 खाद्य पदार्थ) को शिवलिंग पर चढ़ाया जाता है।
  • फिर चंदन के पेस्ट को लिंग पर लगाया जाता है।
  • बिल्वा पत्ते को शिवलिंग के शीर्ष पर चढ़ाया जाता है। बेर या बेर फल और सुपारी के पत्ते को चढ़ाया जाता है।
  • धतूरा का फल और फूल शिवजी को अर्पण किया जाता है। शिवलिंग को फूल और मालाओं से सजाया जाता है।

महाशिवरात्रि को महिलाओं के लिए एक बहुत शुभ अवसर माना जाता है। इस रात विवाहित महिलाएं अपने पति और पुत्रों की लंबी जिंदगी और भलाई के लिए प्रार्थना करती हैं। अविवाहित महिलाएं आदर्श पति के लिए प्रार्थना करती हैं, जैसे शिव, काली, पार्वती और दुर्गा का पति। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जो कोई ईमानदारी से शिव का नाम लेता है या शिवरात्रि के दौरान शिव मंत्र जाप करता है, उसे मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है।

Mahashivratri Maha Puja 2023

Largest Collection Of Divine Essentials For This Mahashivratri

Mahashivratri Maha Puja

Maha Shivratri Mahapuja


The powerful and elaborate maha puja is conducted on Mahashivratri to celebrate the joyous union of Shiva and Parvati. The grand puja is conducted strictly as per Vedic rituals by our team of well-versed learned nine karmakandi priests comprising Rudram and mantra chanting, Abhishekum, Shiva stories, bhajans and Aartis. Shiv puja conducted on this day is highly meritorious and bestows health, wealth, harmony, success and spiritual progress.

Popular Shiva Pujas

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We perform various Vedic pujas like Shiv Parivar puja, Bhairav Puja, Shravan Mass Puja, Mahamrityunjaya, Rudram, Rudra Abhishek, Ati Rudra Maha Yagna and other powerful Shiva pujas and Yajnas dedicated to Lord Shiva as per Vedic rituals. These pujas are best for removing all planetary dosha and fear and for success, spiritual growth, good health and positivity.

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Parad Shivling

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Mahashivratri Puja Kit

Maha Shivratri Puja Kit

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Perform Mahashivratri puja with all austerities and devotion with this special Shiva puja Kit. The neatly packed kit includes items and ingredients needed to perform Shiva Puja. Shiva Puja bestows peace, inner bliss and harmony. We provide pure, authentic and premium quality puja ingredients to ensure success of the puja.

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Collector Nepal Rudraksha Beads

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We provide the largest collection of beautiful and superior quality collector Rudraksha beads sourced from Nepal. Collector beads are potent, bigger and miraculously give results in a short time. Rudraksha attunes with our Chakra system to balance them, thereby bringing good health, a balanced state of mind and attracting desired outcomes. Check our superior range of Collector beads

Nepali Rudraksha Kanthas & Bracelets

Nepali Rudraksha Kanthas & Bracelets

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Rudraksha Japa Malas

Rudraksha Japa Malas

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These are Rudraksha malas made especially for japa or repetitive chanting of mantras. Our Japa malas are made of natural and uniform Rudraksha beads and beautifully strung in gold, silver, copper and thread to provide a comfortable and divine Japa experience. Handcrafted by our creative artisans, we have malas made of various Rudraksha mukhis. Know More About Japa Mala.

Indra and Siddha Malas

Indra and Siddha Malas

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These are very powerful Rudraksha malas for successful achievers and ambitious people aspiring to reach the top level. Made of different Mukhi Rudraksha beads, these malas represent all Deities and planets and help achieve everything one desires for. We are the first ISO-certified Rudraksha organisation that pioneers in providing the finest quality Indra and Siddha malas crafted as per global standards. Unveil our premium collection of malas and bracelets.

Special Shiva Yantras

Special Shiva Yantras

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Shiva Yantras are sacred geometric diagrams endowed with the energies of Lord Shiva that bestow good health, harmony, protection and spiritual growth. We have Yantras perfectly etched on copper and brass sheet, which are energised with mantras to provide optimum and quick results. Explore our divine collection of Shiva Yantras.

Meditation Dress

Meditation Dress

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We have a unique collection of exclusively designed Jackets, bags and a set of meditation malas made of Rudraksha beads and meditation sticks to aid your meditation practice. Check our exclusive collection

Meditation Mats

Meditation Mats

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The special collection of Puja asana, Kusha asana, Yoga mats and specially designed Rudraksha mats are perfect accessories for meditation. Best for doing meditation during Mahashivratri or any festival.

Meditation Caps

Meditation Caps

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These meditation caps are specially designed to heighten your meditation experience and instil calmness. Made of Rudraksha, Rosewood and Spathik beads, these caps can be worn during meditation or prayers.

Conduct Special Shiva Pujas In Trimbakeshwar On Mahashivratri 2024

Ati Rudra Maha Yagna

Ati Rudra Maha Yagna

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Rudra Abhishekam on Monthly Shivratri

Rudra Abhishekam on Monthly Shivratri

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Laghu Rudra Puja at Trimbakeshwar Temple

Laghu Rudra Puja at Trimbakeshwar Temple

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Nakshatra Puja at Trimbakeshwar Temple

Nakshatra Puja at Trimbakeshwar Temple

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